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By Cal Braid
Sunny South News
The Shaughnessy Community Centre needs to keep the heat on in their building.
“The boiler at our hall is over 70 years old and is failing. The cost to replace it is estimated at about $92,000 and we are still looking for the best contract bid. Included is over $21,000 to remove asbestos in the lines and boiler. Our hall is (the only one) in our community so we really need help to keep it going. The boiler is a huge part of that,” said Dorothy Garrett of the Shaughnessy Community Association (SCA) in a donation request letter.
On May 28, the SCA hosted the fifth annual Bob Fortin Memorial Car Show and Shine. The event included fundraising activities for a new boiler. According to Garrett, the pancake breakfast raised $550, a BBQ/Smoker raffle $1,980, the bake sale $300, and a silent auction brought in $1,300. The Association has also been applying for grants. Garrett estimated that 75-80 cars appeared at the Show and Shine. “We were very busy, and it was a good success,” Garrett said.
In Coaldale, the County of Lethbridge Community Learning Council (CLCLC) has ties to the Shaughnessy Community Centre and is appreciative of the facility and the people. The CLCLC presented the SCC with a $10,000 cheque on June 15, and Garrett was thrilled, saying, “It’s just a miracle that this happened.”
Melanie Patenaude, executive director at the CLCLC, discussed the council’s decision to help with the SCC’s boiler project.
“The CLCLC utilizes the space available at the Shaughnessy Community Centre to rent classroom space to run our English Language Learning programs. We rent a room for classroom space and another room for childcare,” she said. “Being able to rent two rooms at a reasonable price allows us to run more classes. These savings also allows us to stretch our dollars and be able to reduce barriers such as transportation and childcare. We offer on-site childcare. There is also a large gym available and a playground for the children to use.”
“The board of the CLCLC decided to use some savings from their reserve funds to go towards replacing the boiler at the Shaughnessy Community Centre.”
Garrett delivered a printer copy of their donation request in person when she had trouble sending it electronically. Dorothy’s son Arnold said “over 50 per cent has come in through donations,” but the SCC is still in need of an extra financial boost to realize their goal.
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