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Care for Residents Evident at latest Picture Butte council meeting

Posted on May 2, 2024 by Sunny South News

By Nerissa McNaughton
For the News

“Picture perfect” is the slogan of Picture Butte but “perfect” rarely comes without effort. For the residents of this charming farming town, “perfect” is strived for by the men and women on town council. The latest council meeting was evidence of their commitment to all the town’s residents.

Things got started with the usual; a call to order. Adoption of the agenda. Adoption of the minutes. Next, delegate Patrick Treadwell, CPA from MWG Chartered Professional Accountants delivered a clean audit report. Decisions were discussed regarding the 948-24 Tax Rate Bylaw (2024) and the 949-24 Parks and Campgrounds Bylaw. 

When it came to discussions, several items stood out. First, the annual seniors’ dinner may be undergoing some changes to ensure a broader intake, smooth operations, and a delicious hot meal for all involved. Second, concerns had been raised by a farming resident regarding the ability to provide a specific sponsorship. Lively discussion around this item centred on upholding the current process while ensuring better communication about the ability for anyone to donate to other projects and initiatives in and around town.

The emergency services report highlighted a fast response time for a suspected “fallen through ice” accident. While, thankfully, it was a false alarm, the first responders felt the situation provided excellent training and valuable experience. While the current state of Alberta Health Services’ restructuring is causing delays and frustrations in contract negotiations, your emergency services department is doing all they can to ensure the consistent service on which the town relies.

As the meeting wrapped up it was noted that volunteerism was down compared to previous years. Your council members know that the cost of living has driven many to take on additional jobs, longer hours, or gigs, impacting time and energy to volunteer. However, they also know that giving back strengthens the community as a whole and gives residents a look “behind the curtain” so to speak at the inner workings of the town and non-profit organizations. Volunteering can also be a social activity, fostering connections and providing a valuable outlet for spending time with like-minded peers.

The Town of Picture Butte’s council meetings take place on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. Meetings are open to the public and can also be attended by Zoom. Visit and click on the “government” section of the website to access the Zoom link and to view current and past agendas and minutes.

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