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As this editorial is being written on the very same day of Donald Trump’s inauguration to become the 45th President of the United States of America, for the first time there is a genuine fear. A fear of what the future holds for North America for the next four years.
Under George W. Bush, there was indeed a different feeling of uncertainty, but it wasn’t fear, more like holy crap, he’s running the country.
Canadians might be in for one heck of a ride under the questionable leadership of a Trump presidency. As the weeks unfold, Americans will either be delighted or disgusted. Americans will hopefully be represented and their hopes and fears realized, as Trump and his entourage of mixed nuts decide the fate of the nation.
But, President Trump? It somehow seems like a fictional story of an ultra-rich business man who one day rules the roost of a once civilized society that crumbles to an appocalyptic wasteland, under his guidance.
Or, perhaps Trump will guide the country to greatness, as his rhetoric this past year has promised his fellow Americans.
Either way, as in any change-over of the guard, North America and the rest of the world waits to witness what is in store — bad or good. Again, hopefully Americans somewhat elected a leader, willing to go to bat for them. It really isn’t about a Trump victory, rather it’s about proper representation for the electorate.
Will Donald Trump do what is right for the majority of Americans? Will the Donald put aside his own interests and be an advocate for the country’s best interests? Will the Trump-inator continue to move the country forward, progress and evolve as a nation, rather than de-evolve and be considered a hillbilly backwards nation (been there, done that under a George W. Bush presidency)? Will President Trump be what Americans said they needed in a leader or will he be remembered as the worst president in U.S. history? These questions could be asked of any leader in North America, but this time, the U.S. really does need a hero to carry on the work of the Obama presidency.
Obama opened up doors and welcomed change and hope. Of course, there are many who believe Obama wasn’t the greatest president either. But, Obama brought what was needed to America — dignity and respect. He was a rock star president, just like Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau. The two complimented each other.
Now, there’s still a rock star prime minister in Canada and the Monopoly guy at the helm in the U.S. Note to President Trump — the United States and the rest of the world isn’t a game board and your decisions, demeanour and actions could have dire consequences.
Americans are people, not real estate or pawns in a game of life. The U.S. is not a business. It is a country made up of children, women and men — wanting to live the American Dream. A dream that may be outdated, but a dream nonetheless of many Americans wanting to live in one of the greatest nations on Earth. Canada, of course, is number one.
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