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A response to Kevin Van T’s views on Alberta’s outdoors

Posted on February 21, 2018 by Sunny South News

Speaking of Fake News and Our Land!

In regards to Kevin Van Tighem’s article (published in the Feb. 6 edition of Sunny South News), I would like to point out that just because he says it doesn’t mean it is true.

This is an article to deflect what is happening, which IS the outright theft of our outdoor areas, under the guise of ‘headwater protection’ and other drummed up themes.

Look at a map, Kevin. Before this latest assault on our outdoor areas, much of the western side of Alberta already WAS park.

But that’s not good enough for Kevin & the special interest groups he represents, they want it ALL. And he paints it as a much worse picture than it is: so some OHV’s use some cutlines & trails, so what? They are already there, and people are using them to get out and recreate in nature, just not the way Kevin prefers.

Is it an issue of sound? Then enforce sound testing.

The water coming out of our mountains and foothills is fine, it has been proven that where it starts getting dirty is where the cities start dumping their waste in them.

Why not go after the cities? Because this is not about the cities, this is about Kevin, Y2Y, CPAWS & AWA having the whole area to themselves, and cementing their legacy as ‘the great defenders of the outdoors’, at the expense of everyone else living here.

This article is a red herring to deflect (in the face of growing public anger over what is happening) from what is going on. We aren’t buying your smoke and mirrors Kevin, we live here too and trying to close off our areas completely instead of working with us exposes your article for what it truly means.


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