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Dear editor,
I have a problem with your unfounded accusation in your Opinion piece on March 6 regarding the Stanley case where you claim:“It’s callous hypocrisy, especially from a part of Canada that prides itself on being ‘pro-life’ “.
Prolife stands for respect for all human life, from conception until natural death.
No, this young Indigenous man, Colton Boushie, did not deserve a bullet to the head. What he and/or his friends deserved, is a serious ‘kick-in-the-butt’ for breaking into someone else’s truck. Colton should have lived to participate and lead in a Canada that is going to get rid of its horrible native welfare system. A system that has wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and only made Colton and his generation dependent on the state, killing many of their dreams, skills and ambitions. Yes, Colton deserved better!
I can understand the frustration of rural folks who have to deal with increasing crime rates, but any prolifer will agree with me that violence and killing are not part of the solution!
Associating ‘prolife’ with the Stanley case is pretty low-class journalism.
Diamond City, AB
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