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The questions we want answers to!

Posted on October 1, 2019 by Sunny South News

Over the last couple of months Coaldale Project Watch has given alot of information about what the Town of Coaldale is doing as far as projects around the town no one knows about and a couple you do know about.

The Town of Coaldale needs to answer some important questions that they refuse to answer for whatever reason?

1. Where is the money coming from to build the rec centre? Everyone is paying interest on that money now! Will we have another levy attached to our yearly levy notice for the principal? When you say the project is fully funded does that mean you have all the money needed in the bank now?

2. When was it decided to build a new town office? What’s wrong with the renovated town office we have? Is it being financed or is the money in the bank now?

3. How much did the Dilo’s pizza building cost? Why hide this information from the towns people? We want full disclosure.

4. Why is the northwest corner of Coaldale getting the new high school and rec centre when the town admits 80-85 per cent of the growth will be on the southside of the highway and railroad tracks? The water table is high enough to cause problems forever (sump pumps will run 24/7 forever.  A true bog).

5. Why hasn’t the town fulfilled their obligations to residence who have had their homes flooded with raw sewage over the decades?

6. What company or person inspected the pool and made the decision that repairs are needed. What companies actually gave quotes on the repairs to the pool? We would like to see the quotes on paper.

Thank you to the Town of Coaldale for answering these questions for all to see.


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