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Dear Minister Schweitzer,
I read your very confusing letter as printed in the Oct 8, 2019 of Sunny South News, Coaldale
In your letter you seemed more concerned about maligning the previous government than “Clearing the air on police funding”. You stated that “the NDP sat on their hands for four years as crime rates sky-rocked in many rural communities…”. In fact, Global News reported on March 9, 2018, that $10 million for 39 RCMP officer positions would go towards fighting rural crime. This budget included support staff and crown prosecutors.
In January 2019 Global News reported “Beyond just the two pilot projects, the RCMP said Central Alberta District detachment jurisdictions have shown a decrease in reported crimes. They said Criminal Code files decreased by 11 per cent in 2018 from 2017, while property crimes, which they said had been on the rise since 2014, decreased by 15 per cent in 2018 from 2017.”
In July 2019, the RCMP reported a 9.8 per cent reduction in rural crime and a 6.1 per cent reduction in municipal crime over one year and credited this to increased staffing (Calgary Sun).
In February 2018, the RCMP signed a formal agreement with Rural Crime Watch Groups across the province and has partnered with Citizens on Patrol.
It upsets me that the Minister of Justice does not communicate the truth. It upsets me further that so many others might believe you.
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