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Time to pass the torch

Posted on November 5, 2019 by Sunny South News

Volunteerism is the life blood of any community, especially in rural Alberta.

Another aspect of local folks’ strength is fund raising of all kinds in support of all kinds of local endeavors. Time and money are the two resources that keep most, if not all, organizations alive in order to give back to enhance the quality of life for so many people especially the young and the elderly.

Many of the volunteers, that you are probably acquainted with, tend to be getting on in years as evidenced by either balding or greying pates.

Because of their commitment and skillset, gained over many years, they add spine to the tasks ahead and put their shoulder to the wheel to help move all and sundry forward.

The many organizations in Picture Butte and North County are looking for new blood and younger people to carry on what was started probably well before they were born. The younger folk are tech savvy and highly computer literate; and besides they have unparalleled energy.

Of course, it becomes incumbent upon them to share that and carry the torch that the older generation wants to pass on to them. Why? They’re exhausted but don’t want to see the many organizations languish and atrophy.

You see the Elks, Lions, Knights of Columbus, Chamber of Commerce, Tractor Club, Happy Old Timers, Ag Society, annual Jamboree Days, Remembrance Day committee, Rural Crime Watch, Curling Club, Walk on the Wild Side, all of them are looking for new, younger and energetic people to step up to the plate.  The local branch of the Canadian Legion disbanded at the end of 2005 because the member ranks grew so thin that it became impossible to carry on.  The same could happen to all the groups mentioned above.  That’s why they’re all urging you, begging you to consider contributing some time to volunteering in your community.

What’s your forte, your particular or peculiar interest?

Have a look at yourself, reflect on your talents and help to replace these folks that just can’t do it anymore.  They are simply exhausted!

To paraphrase:  it does take a community, a whole community, to serve the greater good and raise the next generation of volunteers.


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