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We would like to update the community about Blankets for Canada.
A few weeks ago we were invited to a fiber event at the Centre Village Mall. It showed the people what can be done with all types of yarn, etc.
There we met with a lot of people who did not know about Blankets for Canada. Also some people just discard to garbage their leftover yarn. So please friends do not do that!
We can use the smallest balls of yarn to make squares or stripes to make blankets for the needy. Just a few weeks ago, 40 went to edmonton, 75 to Calgary and then to local needs to a total of 200 blankets.
Organizations that work with needy people may phone Blankets for Canada: 403-329-4410 or 403-329-6586 for their needs.
Yarn and squares can be dropped off at 4th Avenue Lethbridge South Minister Church West Alley on Thursday 10 a.m. till noon.
Our Coaldale group meets every Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 2226 – 23rd Avenue. We thank you for all the yarn donations, even the small balls. They can be dropped of in a bin by our driveway. Or come and visit us and see what we make with your leftovers. So far we were able to send 2,090 blankets to Lethbridge in the 13 years that we’re in Coaldale.
Need more information? Call Nellie at 403-345-3205, not on a Sunday.
Thank you for your support, and we wish you God’s blessing for 2020.
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