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Democracy in Coaldale, Alta., is dead

Posted on March 10, 2020 by Sunny South News

The town of Coaldale has decided that the people of Coaldale have no voice in deciding where the new high school and recreation centre will be located. The very people who took an oath to lead the town  for the best potential of the Town of Coaldale have failed since declaring no plebiscites!

There has been lots of talk about where the eventual new high school is going to be located I agree but with only one conclusion. “This is the site and no changes will be made according to the Town.” There are approximately five other great building sites which would be 100 per cent better but no one in the town is listening! With a recreation centre attached or located next to the high school in the far northwest corner of Coaldale. The far northwest corner of Coaldale will make a towns worst nightmare come true! Traffic congestion, danger crossing four-lane highway and high train traffic railroad tracks. The high cost of bussing kids from the southside with the cost being burdened by the people of Coaldale.

The town of Coaldale said they wanted public input but always words only because they have never listened to the public and did what the public wants by making a change to where the eventual new high school and recreation centre will be located!

Too make matters worse there will be a new traffic light on the four-lane highway west of Coaldale on the intersection just west of Coaldale Greenhouse. (do we need more traffic lights on the 4 lane highway?)

I am not against building any new buildings in Coaldale. I am against going into debt and no public input what’s so ever but an organized plan to pretend there was public input!

A plebiscite is the truest form of Democracy which the Town of Coaldale has chosen to take away from our Great town and Great people! Democracy is Dead in Coaldale Alberta, Canada.

P.S. While we are talking plebiscites lets have one for all the new projects in Coaldale that are planned that are not needed at this time of economic down turn known as a recession.

1. A huge new town office complex. 2. To build a new indoor swimming pool that the tax payer doesn’t have to completely pay for through higher taxes. 3. Is a very expensive recreation centre needed when we have the worlds best 12-15 miles away? 4. should the town buy the 7/11 building just to make the east turn bigger?

Put all of these together on one plebiscite and let’s see what the people of Coaldale want since it’s our town. The town of Coaldale employees are only the guardians of the town for the people of this town only when they are doing what the people want.

I would like to see everyone in Coaldale write an email or letter to the town with what you want which is a plebiscite on all these issues.


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