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Is China to blame for COVID-19 pandemic?

Posted on March 24, 2020 by Sunny South News

When we leaf through the newspapers, watch TV or listen to the radio these days all the news is about COVID-19.

This disease originated in Wuhan, China. The scientists have China to blame because of unsanitary conditions in their open food markets where wild animals were left with domestic chickens that got contaminated, and in turn transferred the virus to humans.

China has not been an honest trading partner of Canada.  Incidents involved the export of canola, among others. They maintained that Canada’s canola was tainted and our loss was $2.7B; the ban on beef and pork, according to them, was due to fake veterinary health certificate which was unfounded.

They detained two Canadians, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, on March 11, 2016 on suspicions of endangering “National Security”. All this was because Meng Wanzhou was arrested for the Huawei case and expedite her to the USA for fraud charges. On December 2019, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked President Donald Trump to stall trades with China until the two Michaels are released.

China is a non-Christian society which does not allow people to worship God in public, yet they publish Bibles and ship them to North America. Communism will not rule the world, although Kim Jong-Un still rules North Korea. He fired three short-range missiles last week into the Japanese sea. Perhaps he was getting bored. We never hear of North Korea, Russia or Syria reporting COVID-19 cases.  Are they immune from this virus? Recently the scientists confirmed that this is a pandemic, therefore, every country should report to the World Health Organization to try to combat it by developing a vaccine. I think now is the opportune time we collectively pray to God to get rid of this plague so we can continue living healthy lives. We must pray to God through His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to get rid of this virus as soon as possible. God wants us to ask Him to solve difficult situations such as COVID – 19. One way to pray is the Our Father. The Lord’s Prayer never says me or I. God is sending us a message… “Love your Neighbor.”


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