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Pros and cons of COVID-19

Posted on May 19, 2020 by Sunny South News

Before COVID-19, climate change was different in many industrial countries, such as China and India, where citizens wore face masks due to pollution in the atmosphere.

Trump and the Conservatives did not believe that this was a problem. Greta Thunberg was right when she said world leaders must be more involved in cleaning the atmosphere to save humanity.

Since March 17th, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic escalated that has caused China, India, Italy, Spain, UK, and the USA to take restrictive measures to save the people. For the past 2.5 months our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, introduced compulsory physical distancing by 2 metres and stay home whether we have the virus or not.

Some people still ignore these, so he introduced ridiculous fines to ensure that we obey for our own good. It was difficult for us not to attend weekday Masses, and even worse not to attend Sunday Masses in person. Never in the history of Canada did the government tell us, out of necessity, when or how we should practice our faith.

There are many advantages by staying at home. Once a week we shop for groceries and pick up the mail. We can watch Daily and Sunday TV Mass on Salt & Light channel as well as livestreamed Masses from Calgary and enjoy taking part from the comfort of our home. We do not necessarily have to dress up, except on Sundays to make us feel that we are really participating in person. We enjoy listening to different priests celebrate Mass and listen to various cantors while music is played in the background.

Since we cannot travel too far, we need not spend money on gas. What is the sense of having gas prices drop when we cannot go anywhere? With less people travelling and less pollution, the air has improved considerably -clean and fresh when we wake up in the morning, including China and India, the two most polluted countries in the world. They still wear face masks because the people want to be safe from the COVID-19 virus. There is a new outbreak in Wuhan, China. They detected tiny droplets in hospitals that are airborne in diameters smaller than one-ten-thousandth of an inch. In view of this second wave, Canada should cancel opening air travels and cease importing goods from China but should continue to export our products to them.

Major banks are allowing six months to defer the principal of mortgages and defer payment for three months on credit cards.

This will allow citizens cash flow during this time of pandemic. But the federal government seems to forget seniors who are struggling to make ends meet. They are currently spending $252 Billion on EI, small business rentals, CERB, etc., but not much for seniors.

Premier Jason Kenny finally announced that some businesses will be allowed to almost get back to normal by May 4th.

We miss dining in restaurants and appreciate associating with people although if someone breaks the public health rules we will be back to where we started. I have encountered a few people breaking the rules.

Remember 2 metres social distancing means 6.5 feet not 2 feet.


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