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Our Readers Say: Thanksgiving Day 2020

Posted on October 6, 2020 by Sunny South News

Psalm 100:4-5, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His Name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth to all generations.” Dear Readers, October 12 has been set aside to thank the Lord, the Creator and Upholder of the heavens and the earth, for His goodness and mercies in the pastseason. On such a day we also remember all the mourning and afflicted ones in a specialway.

The above verses call us to enter the courts of the Lord with thanksgiving andpraise. In the countries where Christians are persecuted, this is notpossible. Let us consider our blessings and privileges that we are able to give thanksgiving to God! In this past season, the Lord powerfully and solemn spoke by sending the Coronavirus, and we have seen how quickly things canchange. Therefore, it is an immeasurable privilege, when on Thanksgiving Day we may go up to God’s house to thank Him for the many undeserved blessings He has so liberally and undeservedly grantedus.

Friends, how has it been it the past season with all the blessings we have received? Have there been times that we were given to marvel at all the goodness and longsuffering of the Lord, when we considered our many sins?(Lam. 3:22-23). Must we not confess that we take so much for granted? Have we not often abused the gifts which the Lord has given, and so quickly complained when the Lord has withheld a blessing? Readers, has that ever become our guilt before a good doing and just God? “For the LORD isgood.” Who is able to enumerate the blessings which the Lord has granted in this past season? Has the Lord not largely placed a fiery wall around about Southern Alberta concerning the virus? Who is He that has given health, strength, courage, and, hopefully, love in the midst of the family circles? Who is He that has given such abundant crops? Who has given food and drink and an appetite to enjoy? The Psalmist has written in Psalm 40:5, “They cannot be reckoned up in order unto Thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can benumbered.” Surely, then there are many reasons to enter His gates withthanksgiving.

“For His mercy iseverlasting.” Here the Psalmist especially speak of His mercy which he grants unto His true children, because the temporal mercies are only for thistime. Here the Psalmist emphasizes the particular mercy for poor and hell-worthy sinners for body and soul, which is possible through Jesus Christ by the application of the HolySpirit. Reader, have you ever become a great and hell-worthy sinner? When we are a self-righteous Pharisee we do not needmercy. Let me ask, have you been born again (John 3:3), with those living desires of God and His communion? “And His truth endureth to allgenerations.” The Lord has given unto mankind the special gift of the inspired Word of God (2Tim.3:16). This Word is unchangeable and cannot bealtered. We live in a changing world, with changing ethics, where what used to be sin, seems to be sin nomore. My elderly friends, when you consider your youth was it not different in the family circles and in the churches than it is today? As a little boy and girl did you not go upon the courts of the Lord on Thanksgiving Day? Families, let me ask you, is God’s Word still opened daily? Do you strive to live by that Word? “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts withpraise.” What is now necessary on Thanksgiving Day? In the first place, a humble and broken heart(Ps.51:17). Secondly, a profound impression of our sins and our unthankfulness(Gen.32:10). Thirdly, a sincere and upright repentance from our evil ways(Isa. 1:15-16). Fourthly, the need for the praying and thanking High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ at the right hand of the Father(Heb.7:25). And finally, a liberal heart and hands to render unto the Lord, of the good things which he has given us, for the poor and coming of the kingdom of Jesus Christ(Ps.116:12).

“And His truth to allgenerations.”

Ah my friends, let us examine our hearts, for if we do not have the desire on Thanksgiving Day to go up to His courts to sing His praises, let me then sincerely ask you, what much we then do in heaven? The text above declares “and His truth to allgenerations.” This truth of God’s Word declares that there shall be no room in heaven for the disobedient and thankless, but their place shall be in hell where there shall be no thanksgiving, but weeping and gnashing ofteeth. The Lord grant a good and special Thanksgiving Day to us and ourchildren. The Psalmist has exclaimed in Psalm 107:43, “Whoso is wise and will understand these things, even they shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord.”

Rev. E. C. Adams
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