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It’s a time of Thanksgiving! And we at Coaldale Blankets for Canada want to thank all of those in our community for all of the yarn and material that has been dropped off.
We had a tote full of pieces of material that we donated to a group called “Girls Days”. They really thank you for for the quality material and flannel, and other material and bags of yarn. We can use the smallest ball of left overs.
All this yarn turned into 140 blankets that we have brought to Lethbridge, of those I take 50 to Edmonton, a few hundred from Lethbridge to Calgary and last month 300 went to different societies in Lethbridge and west area.
So you can read that a lot of little balls make blankets On a sad note, the Picture Butte lady Annie passed away, but people in Picture Butte may still drop off yarn and eight-inch squares at the same place. As Lethbridge office is still closed, feel free to drop off yarn and material at our place. We will bring it when it opens again.
We meet every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 2226 -23 Ave, Coaldale.
Picture Butte address is 102 -4th Street South, till further notice.
Thank you for your support in 2020.
Nellie Slingerland
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