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There is power in the blood

Posted on November 3, 2020 by Sunny South News

On Nov 3, 2007, Saturday 5pm Mass (continued All Souls) I had a most wonderful experience. As I was taking the cup from the minister I felt a magnetic field pulling towards me and when I drank the blood it was pulling me back to the minister. I wasn’t aware of it until the cup felt a little heavy, when the cup is usually light in weight. One other thing that made me feel different from any other Mass is that our priest used Eucharistic Prayer 1, and the Feast was All Saints Day, with an all day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament .The atmosphere was filled with healing and the Holy Spirit, as the Souls were present at the Altar, praising God during the Consecration of the Mass.

Sometimes, I get the same feeling when I receive the cup of the Blood but not all the time. When I don’t do my homework like read the Bible often, or miss saying my prayers or get discouraged it will not happen. The feeling is hard to explain it’s a Mystery. However, I do know that when you are close to the Altar and work as a Sacristan one is closer to our Lord Jesus Christ during Communion. I had another experience on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. During Mass I was given the cup of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and when I picked up the cup from the Eucharistic Minister, I felt a tremendous force and I couldn’t raise the cup to my mouth, and after drinking the blood I gave the cup back to the Minister and the force was still there. This is a Mystery and is Food for Thought on All Souls Day.

During the pandemic Lydia and I are kept busy at home. At 1pm we watch daily Mass, at 4pm we pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and pray the Rosary daily in the evenings. We receive a lot of prayer requests from people that are in need of healing in our prayer chain.

Paul Jones

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