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As part of our coverage for the 2019 federal election, we asked the candidates for the Lethbridge riding to answer a Q&A. The following are their submitted answers.
Answers are published alphabetically, and may be edited for length and clarity. The federal election takes place on Oct. 21.
1. What do you see as the top three prioritized issues facing the nation?
When I talk to people on their doorsteps, the issues that come up consistently are those of affordability, childcare and Indigenous rights.
People of all ages in our community and across the country are struggling to afford their rent, buy their prescription medication, pay for childcare and get by in general. We will create 500,000 new childcare spaces, and implement a public and universally available childcare.
We’re also tackling affordability through things like a strong pharmacare plan and $5000 a year for families for rent support.
One young woman told me that her sister was forced to change her name because racism in Lethbridge made it impossible to find a job, she told me that the need for real reconciliation — a true nation to nation relationship between Indigenous communities and Canada — needs to happen immediately. The NDP is committed to working hand-in-hand with Indigenous communities to fight the climate crisis and would immediately implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
2. What makes your party platform stand out from the rest of the parties?
The NDP was started by people invested in their communities that wanted to make a difference on their doorsteps. Our focus has always been on workers and families. We believe that the government has a responsibility to stand up for every day citizens not the super rich and wealthy corporations.
We are going to ask the very, very richest among with wealth over $20 million to pay an one per cent wealth tax which will generate billions of dollars annually. Our national pharmacare program has been costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office and will create a savings of $4.2 billion, that we can reinvest in our healthcare system. We know that people taking their medications as prescribed are healthier and better able to contribute to society. Implementing a national childcare strategy will make it easier for parents to work outside of the home making sure that families are thriving and contributing to our communities.
3. How would you balance taxation with public services/program delivery?
A New Democrat government will make fundamentally different choices. Our fiscal policies will put everyday Canadians and their families first. We will protect family budgets, and force big corporations and big polluters to start paying what they owe. And we will raise revenues through new, fair, and progressive taxation sources to make the investments Canadians need to thrive. Our national pharmacare program has been costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office and will create a savings of $4.2 billion, that we can reinvest in our healthcare system. We know that taking care of Canadians makes fiscal sense.
4. What have you been hearing from your constituents for concerns specific to the region/and or the country?
I’ve had a grandmother tell me how worried she is for her grandson while he raises a young family and tries to pay off his student loans.
The NDP is committed to ending the practice of profiting from student debt. We would immediately end all interest on student loans.
I had the opportunity to join the climate strike in front of Lethbridge City Hall. The hundreds of young people in attendance spoke with one voice demanding real climate justice. A young mom told me how scared she is for her babies during increasingly smoky summers, while other young couples told me they are choosing not to have children because the future is uncertain. Our climate strategy includes investing in local renewable energy startups and promoting a diversified economy, because Southern Alberta deserves investment in its energy future too.
When speaking to local farmers I’ve heard concerns about continued government support for farmers during drought conditions and uncertain economic times. New Democrats are committed to fully protecting supply management and ensuring reciprocity in all trade negotiations, and supporting these sectors as they innovate and grow. We’ll make sure that farmers are fully compensated for the losses they have incurred in Liberal and Conservative trade negotiations, and we’ll defend Canadian agricultural products like canola from unfair retaliation in overseas markets
5. Where do you see Canada’s role on the world stage?
I believe that Canadian interests are best served by a strong and principled foreign policy based on human rights, multilateralism and the best interests of global peace and security. Canada must also take a global leadership role in helping low-income countries deal with the impacts of climate change.
1. What do you see as the top three prioritized issues facing the nation?
Making life more affordable – We will make sure the middle and lower class pay no federal taxes on the first $15,000 they earn, by raising the Basic Personal Amount by almost $2,000 for people earning under $147,000 a year.
Another program, Canada Child Benefit returns money back to families to support approximately 24,000 children in the Lethbridge riding; this money goes back into our community. We will cut cell phone bills by 25 per cent, as well.
Growing an inclusive economy: Agriculture is the bedrock of our economy — I will be an advocate for this. A Liberal government will expand support for farmers facing major environmental and business risks and modernize Farm Credit Canada. In addition, the Lethbridge area is a small business economy. Since 2015, Canada has the lowest small business tax rate in the G7. We also must support the diversity and improve equality in our community.
Protecting our environment: With the environment, we can’t afford half-measures or a wait-and-see approach. We will build on our national climate plan with new measures to help move Canada toward a net-zero emissions future, including strengthening existing rules to cut emissions from Canada’s biggest polluters.
2. What makes your party platform stand out from the rest of the parties?
We have a plan for moving the economy forward and protecting the environment for all Canadians. Part of growing the economy is cutting taxes for those who need it most. The Liberal government cut taxes for the middle class, and is going to cut taxes again by raising the lowest Federal income tax bracket to $15,000.
We also value protecting the environment in meaningful ways that promote economic growth. Lethbridge has great potential for renewable energy and I would like to advocate for harnessing that for job growth right in our region.
We will also implement National Pharmacare over the course of several years and further support public health care, leading to significant savings for Lethbridge area residents.
3. How would you balance taxation with public services/program delivery?
We know that a country can’t cut its way to prosperity, and with the Lethbridge having significant public sector employment, we want to make sure we keep our region strong and life affordable. Canada now has the best balance sheet in the G7 and an AAA credit rating. Our net debt-to-GDP ratio – currently at 30.9 per cent – is on a downward track, and we have laid out a new fiscal track that will see this fiscal anchor continue to decline even further.
I believe in investing in people and our infrastructure with a plan that is targeted, measured, and fiscally responsible. With an economy that is strong and growing, and with steadily declining debt relative to the size of our economy, this is good news for Lethbridge. As a Member of Parliament, I also bring the skills needed to support making the most out of local tax dollars: an academic background to the Masters level that includes studies in economics and business, significant local and national work experience in the private sector, as well as experience as a management consultant delivering large projects on time and on budget for clients.
4. What have you been hearing from your constituents for concerns specific to the region/and or the country?
The drug crisis is the number one concern I have heard about in our region. Lethbridge has been hit hard by the impacts of the drug crisis and I’ve had thousands of conversations with residents over the course of several months and met with stakeholders across the community, including healthcare, social services and police services. Over the course of this campaign, I’ve gained meaningful insight into the concerns of our residents, and I know something that brings us together: we are all against the drug crisis. We need so much more to get through this. As your future Member of Parliament, I will fight for what we need and advocate for solutions that bring us together, save lives and heal our community. The Liberal government will help more people access the addiction treatment services they need, we will move forward with new investments that help provinces and territories expand community-based services, build more in-patient rehab beds, and scale up the most effective programs. We will also make drug treatment court the default option for first-time non-violent offenders charged exclusively with simple possession.
5. Where do you see Canada’s role on the world stage?
Lethbridge is a very diverse and internationally connected region. For example, our region helps feed the world with our agricultural exports and is also home to people from all over the world. Lethbridge is an important part of Canada’s international presence and we have great opportunity to have our voices increasingly shape Canada’s role on the world stage.
As the world experiences increasing protectionism, we are a country that has promoted free trade and completed trade deals that give us access to 1.5 billion consumers worldwide. Our role is to continue to be a champion for free and fair trade globally. We also have retained our privileged access to our US market in a time of change and this is especially meaningful for our Lethbridge economy.
We also must continue to make a positive contribution to international peace and security while we keep Canada’s Armed Forces well funded. The cuts to our armed forces under the former Conservative government were of concern to me and so the funding put back into our security under the Liberal government has been meaningful. I also want to see us continue to be strong members of NATO.
1. What do you see as the top three prioritized issues facing the nation?
What I’m hearing again and again from people of all ages, and a variety of backgrounds, is that it’s time for a fresh start!
People are upset by the hypocrisy of our current Prime Minister and desperately want a leader at the helm who functions with integrity, leads by example, and has a positive vision for Canada. They’re telling me it’s time to elect a Prime Minister who is more concerned about the wellbeing of Canadians than about maintaining his own image. They want someone who will take leadership to help us thrive as a nation — someone who will ensure our ethical energy gets to market, draw investment into Canada, advance trade, and celebrate agriculture.
Affordability is top of mind for many Canadians. People are working hard to make ends meet and increased taxation is making it more and more difficult to get by.
Another popular issue is our environment. Canadians want a government that will take concrete action to ensure our environment is properly cared for. Here in southern Alberta, our agriculture producers are doing a phenomenal job at leading the way in taking carbon out of the environment, conserving land and water, and reducing waste, recycling, and re-using materials.
2. What makes your party platform stand out from the rest of the parties?
Conservatives believe in Albertans! Unlike the Liberals who mention every other province except Alberta in their 2019 platform, Conservatives believe Albertans are worth celebrating.
Our vision for Canada is about facilitating economic prosperity so no ambition is too big and no dream is out of reach! People of all ages and all backgrounds should be able to plan for a vibrant future that includes a stable job, home ownership, and financial stability. A Conservative government will return to balanced budgets, lower taxes, draw investment into our country, and create opportunity for entrepreneurs and innovators to succeed so that jobs are created and economic prosperity is enjoyed by all.
A Conservative government will ensure pipelines get built and our ethical oil makes it to market so we can stop relying on blood oil from Saudi Arabia, where human rights don’t exist and environmental protection isn’t even a thought. As we develop Canada’s energy sector, high paying jobs will be created, and billions of dollars of revenue will result in new hospitals, schools, roads, and recreational infrastructure.
In summary, our Conservative team, led by Andrew Scheer, is committed to restoring good governance by strengthening the rule of law, prioritizing the safety and security of Canadians, facilitating an environment of economic prosperity, and advancing our place on the world stage.
3. How would you balance taxation with public services/program delivery?
We are incredibly blessed to live in a country rich in natural resources. The development of our ethical oil and gas has a huge role to play in the prosperity of our country. When the energy sector is running at full force in Canada, it contributes tens-of-billions of dollars into the economy, which results in building schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, and other essential infrastructure, while simultaneously supporting pensions and social programs.
When a government refuses to support the development of natural resources, it can only gather revenue from one source – the taxpayer. By developing Canada’s oil and gas—which is the best in the world—we can draw investment into our country, thus allowing us to keep taxes low, while simultaneously maintaining the social programs Canadians rely on. It is under this model that a Conservative government has pledged to increase healthcare transfers from the federal government to the provinces by three per cent year over year. This predictable funding will empower provinces to make long-range plans and deliver the best healthcare possible.
4. What have you been hearing from your constituents for concerns specific to the region/and or the country?
The primary concern of people, both in our riding and across Canada, is affordability. Canadians work hard to earn a living, pay their bills and provide for their families. They deserve a government that will honour their hard work by keeping taxes low and putting policies in place that will help them get ahead.
Overwhelmingly, people are concerned about their safety. In the farming communities surrounding Lethbridge, people are concerned about the dramatic increase in rural crime. Residents want their property rights protected and their way of life respected. A federal strategy, accompanied by greater support for frontline policing is required. In the city, people are concerned about the drug crisis and the impact of the supervised consumption site. Many families have expressed they no longer feel safe. A detox-abstinence-based model is needed.
Southern Alberta boasts a strong agriculture industry, but producers in our riding are feeling the cost of Trudeau’s failure on the world stage. We have lost market for our pulse crops, durum wheat, canola and pork due to bungled relationships with India and China. We need to get back to that place of favour and respect! As Prime Minister, Andrew Scheer will restore relationship with India and China, pursue new markets, and enter into beneficial trade deals in order to advance Canada’s wellbeing.
5. Where do you see Canada’s role on the world stage?
I ran because I believe in stewarding the possibilities and harnessing the potential held within the borders of this great country we call home. I believe we have the potential to be a world leader in agriculture and ethical energy production.
Agriculture is our superpower. Canadian farmers feed Canada and the world. We are home to some of the most advanced agricultural practices. We continue to lead in agriculture production, processing, science, technology, and business. We need a government that will champion the expertise of Canadian farmers and promote our industry on the world stage.
Canada also has a significant role to play in the energy sector. Canada has the most stable, reliable, and abundant supply of energy on earth and we produce the world’s most ethical oil. We should be proud of that. It is wrong to handcuff our own industry while importing hundreds-of-billions-of-dollars’ worth of blood oil from Saudi Arabia where human rights don’t exist and environmental protection isn’t even a thought.
We are a country rich in human talent and natural resources. Canadians deserve a government that will champion our strengths on the world stage, assert our national sovereignty and gain the respect of other nations. It’s time for you to get ahead!
1. What do you see as the top three prioritized issues facing the nation?
Economy, taxes and regulations.
By reducing our tax burden, many other issues that we face will fall into line. Without a strong economy, with full-time positions, not part-time, our country is slowly heading for a collapse. Housing prices are out of control, wages are stagnant, and our taxes are not only burdensome, but one of the highest in OECD countries, making us less competitive on a global scale. Once we reduce this burden, it will help bolster our employment numbers, create far more wealth within the population, and spur investment, the country hasn’t seen in almost 50 years. Before the introduction of Capital Gains taxes, we had a well rounded economy, humming along producing great returns, while now we are fluctuating all over the map and no longer hold world leading standards for our citizens. We will eliminate Capital Gains taxes, reduce our tax burden by simplifying the Tax Code and reducing the number of levels from five to two. We will extend the exemption up to $15,000, then begin taxation from $15,001-$100,000 at 15 per cent, and anything earned beyond $100,001 will be taxed at 25 per cent. We will reduce farm taxes down to 10 per cent, and work to reduce red tape and regulations to be more common sense in approach, vs. requiring a lawyer to decipher. We will work with the people, and not for the corporations.
We will be ending Corporate Subsidies/Welfare, as it is an onerous burden on our finances, and if a company can’t survive on its own, why should we be picking winners and losers by protecting them, and artificially propping them up, when they should fail. Small businesses employ 76 per cent of the Workforce, so why are the big players only protected, and courted with our purse? It is time to have a government, of the people, for the people, and I will be your representative.
2. What makes your party platform stand out from the rest of the parties?
We are the only party looking for real change. We are the champions of free speech, as everyone else wants to reinstate section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which will enable them to bypass the criminal code to criminalize speech of their choice.
They have already been complicit in silencing a MP’s statements in committee, and striking his comments from the official record. Recently the Liberals and the CPC have had journalists arrested and barred from their campaign trails, for merely reporting on them. Conservative media is also currently barred from covering the national debates. Freedom of expression and speech are pillars to a functioning democracy, to eliminate that; we turn into a true dictatorship.
3. How would you balance taxation with public services/program delivery?
We don’t intend to cut any beneficial public service, though we will eliminate those deemed useless and a waste of our resources. Through balancing taxation we will reduce overall income taxes for every Canadian. We are increasing the exemption to $15,000, anything beyond $15,001-$100,000 is taxed at 15 per cent, and anything beyond $100,000 will be taxed at 25 per cent. We will also eliminate the Capital Gains Tax, so that we can spur investment in our country, by anyone looking to build a better financial future for themselves, without being fearful of losing their earnings to heavy taxation.
4. What have you been hearing from your constituents for concerns specific to the region/and or the country?
All I hear from my constituents is when will the pipeline be built? We will pass legislation to make the building of pipelines a National Interest Project, and use the Constitution Section 92 subsection 10, to put it through uncontested by anyone. This provision has been used 300 times in the past to build our railways and highways, as well as other pertinent projects that were within the best interest of the Nation.
We will also be looking for a private sector purchase of our pipeline, and allow them to complete it. We will also repeal Bills C-48 and C-69.
5. Where do you see Canada’s role on the world stage?
We are not a superpower, we are a peace keeper, and should act like one. We need to bolster our military, by increasing its funding to that of two per cent of our GDP, which has been requested for decades from our NATO Allies, it is actually three per cent, but two per cent will be much better than our current levels.
The Liberals intend to increase it by 32 billion dollars stretched over 10 years, while we intend to have that each year. While on the topic of our military, we are the only party with a comprehensive Veterans Bill, written by 42 vets, who are also candidates, which will reintroduce the Pension for Life provisions that existed prior to 2006. They will also be going over the existing veterans charter and going line by line, to ensure it is satisfactory to our requirements.
1. What do you see as the top three prioritized issues facing the nation?
Life. A critical part of Canada’s strength is its commitment (arising from its Christian heritage) to defense of human rights – based simply on humanity, not on abilities, age, or any other characteristics. The value and dignity of every person must be asserted and defended, including by protecting preborn life; prioritizing accessible palliative care rather than assisted suicide; and emphasizing paths to escape from, not perpetuate, drug addiction.
Debt. Deficit spending is a form of theft from future generations. Promises by major parties to buy votes with voters’ own money, often with no realistic plan for repayment, will make the problem worse – and Canadians are already paying $70 million every day just to cover interest on the federal debt! We must live within our means, and pay down the existing debt like a mortgage, both as a matter of principle and to prepare for future downturns.
Social cohesion. Personal attacks in election campaigns are a symptom of a breakdown in our social structures. Rather than a zero-sum contest for power, politics ought to be about seeking the best for the nation. Strengthening families and supporting communities should be the goal, not government imposing one-size-fits-all solutions.
2. What makes your party platform stand out from the rest of the parties?
The Christian Heritage Party is Canada’s only pro-life federal party. While there are pro-life members in other parties, their party leadership is either silent about, or opposed to dealing with, this critical human rights issue. Canada is the only nation with no restrictions on abortion; the idea that we can’t even talk about it is unbecoming of a democratic society.
The same commitment to the value of human life underlies our commitment to strengthening palliative care rather than assisted suicide. True care means enabling the elderly and disabled to live well, not to concede (for instance to those with mental illness) that their lives are worth less than others.
The CHP is consistent in its principles: along with our commitment to balanced budgets, we do not use debt to finance our campaigns or materials.
Canadians often express frustration with ‘politics as usual’ and parties sacrificing principles for power, chasing polls instead of pursuing a clear vision. Even if voters don’t support every policy, a vote for the CHP will help express their desire for a higher standard of integrity and consistency in leadership.
3. How would you balance taxation with public services/program delivery?
The fact that income and expenses need to be balanced should be an obvious starting point. We cannot spend money we do not have, and it is immoral to steal money from future generations.
On the spending side, government should focus on its core priorities – things that can’t be done by any other entity or level of government. So, for instance, we would defund the CBC, which competes with local news outlets to deliver an often one-sided opinion service. The CHP’s infrastructure plan would leverage the Bank of Canada to enable necessary long-term investments at all levels. Wherever possible government should restrict itself to regulation and oversight, not direct service delivery. Collecting taxes and funneling funds through government creates more chances for corruption, mismanagement, and capture by special interests.
By sticking to core services, necessary taxation can be reduced. In the short term, the CHP would push for lower, flatter, and simpler taxation (including cancellation of any carbon taxes). In the long term, we would advocate for a discussion around eliminating income taxes altogether in favour of a consumption-based tax.
4. What have you been hearing from your constituents for concerns specific to the region/and or the country?
Lethbridge constituents want to know that they will be able to find good jobs and care for their families and their own needs, while also ensuring help for those who are less fortunate. Specifically, enabling entrepreneurs and businesses to create wealth in a fair and stable regulatory environment is critical. For the agricultural industries that form a key part of our local economy, proactive management of trade relationships is key, along with planning to meet infrastructure needs for processing and transportation.
Another key concern locally is the opioid crisis – again, both regulatory and infrastructure needs need to be addressed. Rather than a focus on one part of the problem, a holistic approach must be taken to ensure that effective treatment options are available to free those involved from the trap of addiction.
Lethbridge is a centre for post-secondary education, and supports need to be provided (e.g. the CHP’s plan to extend repayment deadlines for student loans) to make that education feasible for those who need it. Among the large senior population of Lethbridge, I have heard concerns about their ability to maintain a good quality of life and obtain necessary end-of-life care without being pushed towards assisted suicide.
5. Where do you see Canada’s role on the world stage?
What has made Canada attractive to immigrants and refugees alike is its social and political framework founded on “the supremacy of God and the rule of law,” including equity for all before the law.
A commitment to those principles – freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of speech, and the other fundamental freedoms we hold dear – is necessary for Canada to maintain its strength.
As a rich nation, we should fulfil our commitments for foreign aid – focusing, of course, on true needs, and avoiding the cultural imperialism of imposing views (e.g. regarding ‘reproductive rights’) that are contrary to recipient cultures. Canada’s size and its presence on three oceans means we need to fulfil our commitments for defense spending and international involvement as well. At the same time, we should ensure that internal commitments (such as those to First Nations) are honoured, without elevating any group above another.
A reworking of economic incentives and intellectual property rules is also necessary so that researchers trained in Canada, and technologies developed in Canada, will remain here and benefit the nation that has supported them. Thanks to its Christian heritage, Canada has been a beacon of freedom to the world. It can become so again.
1. What do you see as the top three prioritized issues facing the nation?
The top three priorities facing the country:
1) Addressing climate change
2) Transition to a green economy where no one is left behind
3) Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
2. What makes your party platform stand out from the rest of the parties?
The Green Party Election Platform 2019 lays out a comprehensive plan to address the climate crisis, transition to a Green economy, and prepare all Canadians for a future that uplifts all people and ensures healthy communities. Scientists have made it clear that we must reduce GHG emissions by more than half by 2030 and solely our platform acknowledges that reality and provides a plan to get us there.
Our platform is based on the need for honest, ethical, and caring leadership.
Major revenue and expenditure initiatives in the Green Party Platform 2019 were submitted for costing to the Parliamentary Budget Office. The party’s revised costing projections received a “pass” rating from former Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page of the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy.
Platform development was led by the Leader, Elizabeth May, in close consultation with the Green Party Shadow Cabinet. It draws from Vision Green, our database of member-created policies and stakeholder input, and from civil society organizations and governments, including the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Assembly of First Nations. The entire platform was also subject to external expert review and it meets all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
3. How would you balance taxation with public services/program delivery?
A Green government will undertake root-and-branch tax reform to ensure all public services and programs are delivered under the Green Economy structure:
• Establish an arm’s length Federal Tax Commission to analyze the tax system for fairness and accessibility, based on the principle of progressive taxation. The last Tax Commission was in the 1960s.
• Close tax loopholes.
• End offshore tax dodging. Provide adequate funding to the CRA to collect tax revenue hiding in offshore tax havens.
• Apply a corporate tax on transnational e-commerce companies doing business in Canada by requiring the foreign vendor to register, collect and remit taxes where the product or service is consumed.
• Impose a financial transactions tax of 0.2% in the finance sector as France has done since 2012.
• Eliminate all fossil fuel subsidies, including payments and tax write-offs.
• Increase the federal corporate tax rate from 15% to 21 per cent to bring it into line with the federal rate in the USA, our biggest trading partner.
• Maintain the current taxation level for small business.
• Charge a five per cent surtax on commercial bank profits. Exempting 15 Credit unions, caisses populaires and co-ops.
• Increase the tax credit for volunteer firefighters and search and rescue volunteers.
4. What have you been hearing from your constituents for concerns specific to the region/and or the country?
I have been hearing the following concerns from constituents in this region and the country:
• Concern that we are not doing enough to deal with the changes and effects of Climate Change.
• Fear around losing employment and not being able to cover basic living costs.
• Constant work and employment disruptions and reduction of opportunities to find professional full-time permanent jobs.
• The need for pharmacare and dental care
• Support for Seniors and Veterans
• Support for people with disabilities so they are not left in poverty
• High costs and barriers to post-secondary education
• The need for support and implementation of Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples
• Opioid Health Crisis
• Missing & Murdered Indigenous women, girls and 2-spirited crisis.
• The need for access to multiple health services for 2SLGBTQIA+ people, Indigenous peoples, peoples with addiction and people with mental health needs.
5. Where do you see Canada’s role on the world stage?
A Green government will support multilateral international engagement, recognizing isolationism and nationalistic jingoism create a dangerous path and must be vigorously resisted. We will strengthen Canada’s role in promoting peace and global cooperation.
The Green Party would implement the following to accomplish this:
• Re-establish the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
• Eliminate the requirement that aid be tied to Canadian business interests overseas, or strategic geopolitics.
• Increase Canada’s overseas development assistance budget to reach former Prime Minister Pearson’s goal of 0.7% of GDP.
• Increase our national contribution to the Green Climate Fund and Global Environmental Facility to $4 Billion per year by 2030.
• Ensure federal government policies align with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and develop a mechanism to track progress in meeting these targets at home and abroad.
• The Green Party understands that Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel are appreciated worldwide for their degree of training, quality leadership and for the can-do and cooperative attitude they bring to international operations. A Green government will ensure that the CAF are prepared to serve in traditional and new capacities.
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