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COVID-19 outbreak at Coaldale church

Posted on October 20, 2020 by Sunny South News

By Randy Jensen
Southern Alberta Newspapers

The Town of Coaldale has announced an outbreak of cases has been identified from a gathering at ROC Christian Ministries in Coaldale, leading to several new cases recently.

As there have recent outbreaks in neighboring communities, including Lethbridge and Lethbridge County, it serves as a reminder that COVID-19 still presents a risk in the community, the Town said in a release.

Citizens are reminded to continue to follow these steps to slow the spread: practise physical distancing of at least two metres; wear a mask when physical distancing isn’t possible; practise good hand hygiene; cover coughs and sneezes; avoid touching your face; and monitor for symptoms and self-isolate for 10 days if symptoms appear.

If you are a close contact of someone with COVID-19 you must isolate for 14 days.

If you are concerned about someone not following the public health orders, a complaint can be submitted online at

Meanwhile the latest numbers released by Alberta Health over the past 24 hours indicate a rise of 332 cases in the province, led by 177 new cases in Edmonton and 94 in Calgary.

There are 20 new cases in the South Zone with 16 of those in Lethbridge. An additional four people have been reported as recovered, leaving Lethbridge with an increase of 12 new cases over the past 24 hours.

There are 40 active cases in Lethbridge County.

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