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GreenTree ASP bylaw passes first reading

Posted on August 15, 2024 by Sunny South News

By Nikki Jamieson
Sunny South News

A bylaw guiding development for annexed land in Coalhurst has passed first reading.

Bylaw 454-24, or the GreenTree Area Structure Plan bylaw, would create an area structure plan (ASP) for about 149.29 acres of land is located within the NE¼ Section 16, Township 9, Range 22, W4M. The land in quest was annexed by the town in 2016, and according to the report to council, numerous planning exercises on developing that area have been done with little success. This ASP was created by a private landowner.

ASP typically guide the long-term planning and development for a set area within a municipality, and ensures that the town will not lose sight of the vision it has for the area.

The GreenTree ASP would guide the development of a residential neighbourhood with various differing housing options, and contain transportation links, connects to the town’s pathway system, and contains public recreational amenity spaces. The area would contain both residential and commercial growth. 

The consultants responsible for the ASP had an open house on June 12, at the Coalhurst Community Centre. A total of 40 people attended the open house, 11 questionnaires were turned into the open house, and three emails were received by the consultants in regard to the open house. During it, attendees had expressed concern over a limited amount of options for new housing products in the town’s market, a desire for open spaces for children’s amenities and dog parks, a desire for multi-family uses in the area, and concern over the development creating increased traffic volumes to the area.

When asked how the GreenTree ASP responded to concerns about commercial availability raised during public engagement, Diane Horvath, senior planner for ORRSC, said she wasn’t part if that open house held by the consultants, so it was a “difficult question to answer”.

“That would likely be a question that would be worth asking during the public hearing to proponents when they are here answering questions from the public as well as any other agencies that may have provided input,” said Horvath. “They may note be able to answer specifically if someone said we really need more commercial, they again, are not the ones that will be doing the commercial development. I guess it’s in the context of the question.”

Coun. Heather Caldwell made a motion for first reading, noting she was “happy” they’ve got to this place and looked forward to getting into more details about the ASP.

Council passed first reading of the 454-24, the GreenTree Area Structure Plan bylaw.

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