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Considerations for updating Coalhurst’s Land Use Bylaw: Home Occupation 3 and mixed-use development

Posted on February 6, 2025 by Sunny South News

Town of Coalhurst

Council reviewed a memo from the Town’s Senior Planner and Development Officer related to the potential integration of a new category within Coalhurst’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB) called ‘Home Occupation 3.’ If created, this category could accommodate more intense home occupations within residential areas to potentially increase the number of employees of a home-based business while still preserving the primary residential nature of properties with clear regulations for use. 

Prior to drafting Home Occupation 3 standards for consideration, Council would like feedback from community members about this potential change to the LUB and whether it makes sense to develop such a category. An open house will be held on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, where residents can learn more about the possible changes and how such a category could be created to suit needs within Coalhurst. The time and location of the open house will be published in the February edition of the Town’s newsletter and will be posted to the Town’s website and Facebook page. 

Household organics management program options

Council received a memo regarding potential household organics management program options, which included research about the types of household food and yard waste recycling services several other Alberta municipalities currently provide. At this time, no direction has been provided to Administration to implement such services as Council considers its options.

 Administration report

    The next Municipal General Election will take place on Monday, October 20, 2025. For those who would like to learn more about the election, municipal governance, or how to become a candidate for Coalhurst Town Council, an information page has been posted to the Town’s website at A candidate information guide and nomination package are available on that page. 

As we get closer to Nomination Day and the election, this webpage will be updated with more information, including candidate names, advance voting dates, and information for eligible voters. 

Renewal notices for 2025 business licences and animal licences were mailed out on January 6, 2025. Residents and business owners are reminded that licence renewal payments are due January 31st. Penalties or fines may apply for licences that are not renewed on time. Payments can be made using one of the following methods: 

a) In person at the Town Office with cash or a debit card

b) By dropping a cheque in the all-hours drop box at the entrance to the Town Office

c) By cheque in the mail

d) By e-transfer:

If anyone has questions regarding their licence, or needs to update the information, they can contact the Finance Department at 403-381-3033, by email at, or by visiting the Town Office during regular business hours.

 Public Operations has submitted its annual water and wastewater report to Alberta Environment and Parks. In 2024, the Town of Coalhurst diverted 271,990 cubic meters of water from the Oldman River. This was the lowest amount of water diverted since 2019. For comparison 315,236 cubic meters was diverted in 2023. 

The significantly lower consumption rates indicate that Coalhurst residents and businesses fulsomely participated in reducing their water use during last year’s severe drought conditions, which was helpful to protect the water system and ensure resources were available for critical needs. The Town thanks everyone for participating in responsible water use throughout the year.

Applications can once again be received for the Town of Coalhurst Community Grant Program. A total of $8,000 is available in 2025 for micro-grant and community support grant applications. As Coalhurst celebrates its 30th year since being designated a Town in Alberta, residents, businesses, and organizations are strongly encouraged to consider ways they can also celebrate this milestone by hosting their own events with neighbours. 

A list of community gathering and activity ideas that are eligible for funding is available in the grant program guide, which can be found on the Town’s website,

The Town extends thanks to everyone who participated in the Town Identity and Branding survey, which took place December 13 – 23, 2024. Results of the survey have been provided to the Town’s creative agency contractor to help inform the initial development and design of a new logo, branding, and brand voice for Coalhurst. 

Updates on the branding project will be provided to the public as they become available. Congratulations also goes out to the two survey participants who won a pair of Lethbridge Hurricanes game vouchers.

2024 was a busy year for the Development Department. This is evidenced by the number of permits issued:

– 40 Development Permit applications

– 4 applications refused or withdrawn

– 34 Building Permits issued

– 38 Gas Permits issued

– 43 Electrical Permits issued

– 10 Plumbing Permits issued

– 10 Compliance Certificates issued

 In 2024, Coalhurst had six new homes built, including a three-building, 21-unit dwelling that will be completed in Spring 2025. Additionally, residents of Coalhurst completed renovations of their homes and/or businesses including solar panels, rear deck replacements, detached garages, and an addition of four warehouse bays onto a commercial property. The Town also approved six new Home Occupations, including one Home Occupation 2. Currently, Coalhurst has 43 active home-based businesses.

• The completion of a new dog park on the east side of town is expected to be completed by Spring/Summer of 2025. Additional information will be shared with residents as soon as access to the dog park is permitted.

• The Coalhurst Municipal Enforcement Department had a great year in 2024. Municipal Enforcement responded to 844 files since January 1, 2024. The Town of Coalhurst saw 669 files and the Village of Barons finished the year with 175 files. The most common types of complaints ranged from traffic enforcement, animal control and unsightly properties. 153 provincial tickets were issued, and 33 municipal bylaw tickets were issued.

• Animal control issues totalled 234 files. Complaints ranged from barking, animals at large, abandoned animals, and three dog attacks. 87 unsightly notices were sent to property owners. Only six properties required enforcement clean-ups.

• During winter months, snow clearing of sidewalks is enforced. Property owners have 48 hours after a snowfall to clear snow and ice from Town sidewalks adjacent to their property. After the 48 hours is over, a notice is given to the property owner as a reminder. The next day, if the snow has still not been cleared, a Town contractor is contacted and will clear away snow and ice on the sidewalk, at the cost of the property owner. 50 sidewalk clearing notices were sent out in 2024, and only two required enforcement snow clearing.

Community Grant Program update

Council approved a Neighbourhood Connections Micro-grant application from the Coalhurst Partnership Association for Literacy (PAL) in the amount of $100 to support a family literacy night that will take place at Coalhurst Elementary School later this month.

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