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Will it be the Trump-topia Americans want, or better yet, need?
Many voters went to the polls Nov. 8 and chose Donald Trump to become America’s next fearless leader in January. But, at what cost? President Obama said it best the night of the election, according to reports, “No matter what happens, the sun will rise in the morning” — but it no doubt was a little hazy due to the uncertainty a Trump presidency will bring. Nostradamus himself couldn’t have predicted the outcome.
Americans, at least how the media portrayed it, wanted to see a change in their country, whatever that meant to each voter. Hilary Clinton just couldn’t cut it, even amongst many a Democratic voter. At least we don’t live in America, right? Wrong, Canada is the U.S.’s biggest partner and ally and only time will tell what a Trump presidency will mean to Canada. Canada, has a lot to worry about when Trump leads the United States of America, even though this election, the States didn’t seem very united.
With a Republican majority in the Senate and House, it will spell disaster for any Democratic growth and/or positive movements put forward by the Obama administration. The conservatives in the U.S. are not very progressive when it comes to, well, just about everything it seems.
What started out as a joke, it seemed, ended up being the biggest “screw you” to the political establishment on Nov. 8. A modern day revolution without the casualties, well at least not yet.
Some Republican and some Democrat voters elected a soon-to-be president that could go down in history, as some would say — a worse president than George W. Bush. That’s a real accomplishment.
At least California, Nevada, Massachusetts and some other possible states passed legislation to legalize recreational weed use, which many weed enthusiasts most likely needed on Election Night to relieve the stress of a Trump America.
Americans surprise us all the time. Americans have elected an action movie star and former wrestler for political office and even Ronald Reagan, an actor. Ben Affleck where were you this election? You could have been the Batman America needed — the masked vigilante to right the wrongs in a dystopian society. Or even Matthew McConaughey could have “Alright, alright, alright’d” himself throughout the presidency without a shirt.
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