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This Easter we will celebrate an unusual event with no Masses or Church Services because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This celebration takes us back to Jesus and the Apostles who celebrated the “Last Supper” in the upper room some 2000 years ago. For the past couple of weeks, we have been celebrating Daily Mass on Salt & Light TV and the Sunday Mass with Bishop William Mc Grattan live-streamed from St. Mary’s Cathedral in Calgary. The Masses were uplifting because they inspire and give us hope for the future.
I am submitting a poem written by my wife, Lydia, dedicated to me at Easter 2001.
Eastertime and Springtime
Two happy occasions blend into one -the first to rejoice in Our Lord’s Resurrection, the latter to enjoy a change of season.
May these and the coming Summertime bring you all the joys you’d be wishing for… May all your dreams come true, and may no day make you feel blue.
So have a Happy Easter – Have a Merry Spring… Don’t let anything hinder your thoughts – to what our Lord decided to send your way.
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