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By Erika Mathieu
Sunny South News
The following are selected briefs from the Feb. 15 board meeting:
The Holy Spirit Catholic School Division (HSCSD) board reviewed the draft copy of the division’s three year capital plan for 2024-2027. No final decisions were made following the discussion, however the board will review the final version once presented at an upcoming March board meeting.
An upcoming meeting between School Council Chairs/Parents and the Board of Trustees is scheduled to take place on March 6, and will offer an opportunity for attendees to discuss the kinds of informational items parents and Council Chairs consider to be prudent with respect to their child’s education at the elementary, junior, and senior high school levels.
The HSCSD board also discussed the upcoming Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) conference and annual general meeting which is scheduled to take place from April 21-23, 2023. As outlined, the HSCSD board has offered to sponsor the registration for up to four interested attendees to attend the full conference, and has also agreed to pay for one registration/school council member to attend the conference virtually.
HSCSD staff will have the opportunity to hear from the renowned musician, composer, and storyteller Jesse Manibusan as part of a division-wide spiritual development day March 13. Manibusan, originally from Northern California, travels internationally as a guest speaker and performer showcasing his ministry and music.
The HSCSD board heard from Crystal Lothian, director of support services and lead teacher for C.A.R.E. Program, Lynn Suttie. The program aims to provide growth opportunities in a scaled-down group setting for 12-16 year old students who have been identified as being at risk and youth presenting challenging behaviours, and complex emotional needs. The program also focuses on capacity-building for staff to better understand student needs through a collaborative process and program interventions. The board amended Policy 14: Appeals and Hearings on Student Matters to include, “that no external recordings are allowed and the names and roles of resource person(s) attending the hearing must be provided prior to the meeting.”
A special meeting was held on Friday, Feb. 24 to discuss the Board’s strategic priorities in the coming years. The strategic priorities provides the board of trustees with a framework to guide the division and develop the HSCSD’s 2023-2026 Education Plan and Operating Budget.
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