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By Erika Mathieu
Sunny South News
Coaldale-based intuitive artist, Jess Walker, has found a temporary home to showcase her work at the Coaldale Public Library’s McCain Gallery.
Walker’s work invites individuals to embrace their unique and authentic selves her unique artistic process
Walker’s captivating intuitive artwork is currently showcased at the Coaldale Library’s McCain Gallery until April 29. Through her unconventional artistic process, Jess delves into the subject’s individual energy using her intuition, channeling images that unlock new pathways and perceptions for individuals. Grounded in intention and spiritual connection, Jess’s art invites viewers to seek out and embrace and find comfort in their authentic selves.
Walker explained, “I’ve been pursuing artwork since I could hold a pencil,” but said she really began pursuing intuitive art as a practice in 2020.
“I had a major life-altering event, lots of sadness and depression, and I needed to figure out alternative ways for myself to enjoy life again. I really went down to the path of spirituality and art had always been, you know, something that I’ve done, I never really incorporated it with spirituality before,” Walker said,
Walker said she has always been susceptible to energies since childhood, but found herself needing to set firm energetic boundaries in her early 20s, but later became receptive to tapping into those energies again in 2020.
With respect her her artistic practice, Walker explained, “if I see something in meditation, I’ll draw it for (clients) and it just expanded into something that I offer as a service,” she explained, noting she prefers to go by the title of intuitive artist.
“All artists are intuitive artists. We create things out of thin air; we birth things into reality and I think that’s an incredibly beautiful thing that we do as artists and creatives.”
Walker said, “for anybody who’s wanting to use my services, it’s just really for confirmation or so that you can gain knowledge on something that you’re needing in your life,” and added many clients are people who are in a transition stage or place or uncertainty.
As a fully self-taught artist, her methods vary, from flow art to a spiritual artistic practice known as “light linguistics”.
“When I’m doing these kinds of services, it is specifically for the person that I’m creating it for. I will do that meditation, grounding and energy setting practice, I will call in that person’s energy and then I will create what flows out of me. It’s almost like I get into a space where I’m watching the artwork be created instead of sitting there creating the artwork. Then after I’m finished with the artwork, I almost always get an intuitive message that I will also write and include in sending that artwork out.” Walker explained.
Walker’s intuitive artwork is mostly created digitally, but Walker noted she is also a graphite artists and utilizes coloured pencils, markers and other “analog” mediums. Creating and releasing her art digitally to clients has allowed her to expand her reach as well.
Walker said over the past few years as her creative practice has grown, she has created artwork for people globally, from the Dominican Republic, to the UK and Australia.
Walker said she her spiritual and artistic practices are rooted in an innate “knowing” of herself and her path.
“I have had way too many experiences, way too many confirmations, and way too many incredible moments in my life that have shown me that this path is my path and unfortunately sometimes people are not going to agree with that and that’s okay because that’s their journey. But my journey is to not allow anybody to change my direction.”
Walker utilizes colour and symbols in what some might consider unconventional ways, but this technique, she said, allows people to see themselves through a different lens.
“I know that I have a unique perspective. Part of my artwork includes making ‘galactic soul portraits’ (which) is to show people themselves through a different lens,” and said these renderings are, “always etheric, alien-esque colours; I try to make it look like the person, so I do up their portrait and then I shift all the colours so that they’re not looking at themselves, like, looking through a mirror with regular skin tone,” but rather with vibrant blues, purples and neons.
“I just hope that it assists them in feeling more empowered in feeling more relax, and to be able to, like, just see (their) beauty from a different perspective.
Many of Walker’s portraits include light linguistics, which Walker explained as similar to, “a musician making music. If a musician makes a song for a specific person, other people can still enjoy that music and light linguistics ia kind of the same idea. Even when I channel it for a specific person, anybody who is open to receiving, what that language and energetic phrasing (is conveying) is open to receiving the beautiful things that can come from it.”
“I’m really just hopeful that people are open to receiving the energy that is meant for them because it can really help them to rid themselves of energy, that is no longer necessary for their life or things that have been holding them back, or things that they’ve been carrying that weigh them down and I just want them to feel so much more at peace with who they are, so much more connected to that authentic part of themselves,” she added.
To check out Jess’s work, visit McCain Gallery in the Coaldale public library before April 29, 2024, or follow her on Instagram @jet.artworks, TikTok @jesswalker25, or visit her website jet, for more information.
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