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A four-year-old Florida boy recently shot his mom in their car. According to a daily news report online at, the boy found the loaded weapon in the car and the mom even joked about the situation on Facebook, and she still touted she had the right to shoot anyone who threatens her and her family, while she teaches her kids to do the same, the news report stated.
The mom’s Facebook page, according to the news report, is dedicated to her passionate pro-gun opinions. The news report also stated the boy will not face charges. Really? What about the mom?
According to the news report, the child was put in the care of other family members after the incident and the Department of Children and Families investigated the case.
The gun was legally owned by the mom and no charges have been laid. According to the news report it stated the mom wrote on social media in February, “My right to protect my child with my gun trumps your fear of my gun.”
There was one picture on social media, according to the news report, of the mom holding a small child in one arm and a rifle in the other.
A 43-year-old Washington state man, according to a news report, shot himself in the face recently while taking selfies.
According to the news report, the deceased and his girlfriend were taking pics of themselves with the weapon, while they loaded it and unloaded it. Apparently, the report stated, there was no indication of drugs or alcohol involved in the incident. Really?
It’s simple. Stupid people should not own guns. It’s not even a matter of gun control or pro-gun or against guns. It’s a matter of plain and simple common sense. A responsible gun owner should be mentally stable and know not to leave a loaded weapon in a car with kids and not to take selfies, while playing a round of Russian roulette.
It’s 2016, you would think North Americans would have a handle on responsible gun ownership by now. But sadly, there are a few nutballs in the bunch, that shed light on the gun issues from time to time.
Luckily in Canada, it’s a privilege to own a gun. Therefore, the majority of owners respect and appreciate owning a gun and act accordingly.
In the United States, not so much, or so it seems. The gun debate, in Canada and in the United States, has been a long one and continues to this day.
It has been stated in the media recently, mental health issues have something to do with the amount of gun violence happening in today’s supposed civilized society and/or just violence in general. And, the healthcare system is not doing enough to help curb mental health issues, it has also been stated throughout the media.
Back in the day and maybe still today, what we watch and the video games we play may be to blame.
All that shoot ‘em up on the boob tube, the big screen and in video games will no doubt lure us into a world of senseless crime and violence. But what about the daily news on TV, online and in the newspapers?
Violence seems to be everywhere these days but it always has been. So what fuels the violence fire? It’s a wide-gamut of things and so many variables drive the beast. But, one thing is for sure — give any irresponsible person the power of a gun and that power can be misused.
In Canada, gun owners take courses for the safe handling of said gun(s). Guns in Canada are mostly used for hunting and for other sport. So, that’s good.
Bad people everywhere, may use guns or any other weapon for bad reasons. So, that’s not good.
Does the world need more regulation from its governments to dictate how guns should be used by its owner? Or do stupid people need to not have access to guns so easily?
Stupid people with guns kill people or themselves, as if by accident. So, how can stupid people be banned from owning guns legally?
This debate continues…
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