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Fire command trucks provide quick first-response

Posted on October 25, 2016 by Sunny South News

Fire command trucks in local municipalities are a necessity for quick and easy access to emergencies. A fire command truck can be the difference between life and death of a loved one. Why then, do some people find a fire command truck a nuisance in a community rather than a life saving vehicle?
In today’s society, especially with cuts and services not what they used to be, it is necessary to come up with adaptive plans to make things right again. Emergency services is no exception, especially when local fire departments are usually first on scene at accidents, medical calls and fires. First-response means getting to emergencies first. Not having to drive to a fire hall or other location to pick up a command vehicle first prior to racing to an emergency. That is the reason fire command trucks are purchased by local emergency services departments in the first place. So first-responders can respond first — plain and simple.
It is sad an editorial needs to shed light on this issue.
People should count themselves lucky municipalities have dedicated and caring volunteer and hired firefighters at the ready in any emergency.
Take a look at Coaldale. In past years, there were roasts and toasts in the Lethbridge Herald, complaining about the town’s new fire command truck for the fire chief. Nonsense.
Sure, everyone can have an opinion, but you know what they say — opinions are like (expletive) — everybody’s got one.
A fire chief or firefighter in charge needs to have a fire command truck nearby to head out to a fire or emergency, without having to go far to get the ball rolling. A command truck needs to be at a fire chief’s residence or what have you, to be utilized efficiently and to be used how it is supposed to be used. And, a fire command truck will have a siren and lights. And, if said fire command truck is off to an emergency, then yes, a siren and lights may be needed to alert others of an emergency. It’s not rocket science. Why then, do some people complain about emergency services just doing their job. A job, most don’t even get paid for.
Maybe, a complaining person would like for the fire command truck not to arrive quickly at a fire at their house or attend to a medical emergency. The time it takes a fire chief or person in charge to go get his/her command truck someplace else could be too late to save a life or put out a fire. Think about it.
To those in any community, in any place in southern Alberta or abroad — a fire command truck is a necessity and should be treated as such by residents for a safe place to live.
Next time, when there’s a fire or emergency, be thankful your fire chief from your town has a fire command truck to arrive quickly at the fire or emergency. Time is of the essence, that is why most municipalities buy a fire command truck in the first place — to keep its residents safe.

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