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Almighty God, in His holy desperation looked down from heaven –
Upon His flock of lost sheep, and watched the continuance of sin prevail the nation
So in His great glory, He would keep His promise to fulfill the eternal plan,
And to give all believers a chance to enter the “Promised Land.”
So He sent down His love, by the messenger Gabriel.
And when the Virgin Mary had been asleep, by night, but suddenly awaken,
by the light of hope.
And then Gabriel spoke “You have been chosen by Almighty God to bear
the proposed Holy Christ Child, Jesus.”
But she was afraid, and the angel said “Do not be forsaken –
Hail Mary, full of grace, blessed art the fruit of your womb, Jesus.”
Soon after, the angel had vanished, and the Virgin Mary was honored of the “Good News.”
During the visitation, the Conception took place, by the Holy Spirit and said –
“Behold, you are with child now, and the grace of God is with you.”
And the angel explained to Joseph, her engaged spouse,
And the shepherds heard of the happy tidings, and they rejoiced in praise
to the Heavenly Father.
As the months passed by, Gabriel appeared and said … “Go forth to Bethlehem to seek refuge”
to save the Holy Child from King Herod’s sword at the time.
The journey from Nazareth was long and tedious, and the shepherds followed them,
in hope to see Jesus.
When they had arrived at Bethlehem, there was no room in the inn,
but were able to find shelter in a stable.
Then the hour came when the Babe was born …
Mary wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in the crib.
The shepherds gathered ‘round the manger; there were
Three Wise Men from the Orient bearing gifts of frankincense, gold, and myrrh.
And in the background the angels softly sang – “Alleluia! Alleluia! Jesus is born –
Praise be to God on high, and on earth peace among men of good will.”
Then Almighty God and the heavenly hosts appeared,
and He blessed Jesus, saying, “This is the Christ I promised you,
through Him will the sin of Adam be forgiven, and the gates of heaven open,
to all who believeth in Him, resulting in everlasting life,
under a new Mystical Body.”
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