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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said a year ago, and again last week, he wants to “phase out” Canada’s energy sector.
His policies and laws and have caused more energy investment to leave Canada than under any other Prime Minister in seventy years. And (April 25), Canadians learned he’s using their tax dollars to fund anti-energy activists’ efforts to block the Trans Mountain Expansion.
The Liberal government is funding a position that is explicitly dedicated to ‘stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline’. People who want to shut down this pipeline don’t care about the jobs that will be lost, or the families broken by their actions.
Justin Trudeau should champion Canada’s energy sector and the men and women who work in it. But from day one, he has failed their families and continues to threaten their livelihoods. The Trans Mountain Expansion is at serious risk, but he still has no plan.
Under the Liberals, Canada’s energy sector has lost more than $80 billion in investment, and more than 110,000 workers have lost their jobs. Justin Trudeau vetoed the approved Northern Gateway pipeline, killed Energy East with last-minute red tape, and left Trans Mountain hanging in the balance. He caused this crisis.
Canada’s Conservatives will keep fighting for the hardworking men and women in the energy sector across the country, and for First Nations communities who pursue economic opportunities and social benefits through responsible resource development.
They can count on us to put their jobs, livelihoods, and future prosperity first.
MP Lakeland, Conservative Shadow Minister for Natural Resources
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