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I saw the video.
I read the articles in your 15 January, 2019 issue.
The officer in question lacked common sense in killing the injured deer.
What, no gun? Your article quotes Edmonton resident Tara Daubert saying “the officer repeatedly ran her over with a heavy truck”. No, my dear, it was a pickup truck. Too bad it wasn’t a big rig. That would have been more humane.
But what is of concern to me are three things:
1. Death threats against the officer. Need I say more? Death threats are a crime. Convict away.
2. People in our society are more concerned with the well being, or lack of it, of an animal than of a human. How many abortions of preborn children were there in Canada last year? Google it.
3. Who are these people videotaping this incident, continually self righteously criticising the officer, yet unwilling to assist in the most humane method of killing said deer but thinking only of the online gem they were creating to make the officer look bad? And it’s on YOU that he now is even receiving death threats!! What kind of society is this that would rather record an event than help? What is next? Will someone refuse to help an elderly man being beaten by someone so they can make a video and post it online so they can selfishly have their 15 minutes of fame??? Sick!
Yes, the officer could have done better, but YOU need more help than he does, in my opinion.
Iron Springs
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