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Lydia and I are members of the 1st Southern Alberta Bishop’s Dinner Organizing Committee and are campaigning to raise money to support the various Food Banks in Southern and Southwestern Alberta, as well as the Holy Spirit School District’s Food Programs.
The dinner will be held on Friday, October 11th, 2019 at the Lethbridge Exhibition Park West Hall starting with cocktails at 5 p.m.
The Bishop’s Dinner fundraising is vital to us because it gives us an opportunity to donate our time, talent, and treasure to the poor and needy in our midst.
This event is beneficial to the communities in Southern Alberta to feed the hungry at Food Banks and in School Districts.
For many years the Bishop’s Dinner was held in Calgary, but our new Bishop, William McGrattan, suggested that it take place alternately between Lethbridge and Medicine Hat.Lethbridge is hosting it this year.
We hope that you will join us to support these worthy recipients.
The proceeds will be in the hands of the beneficiaries by December 1st to assist them prior to Christmas.
Thank you for your anticipated support.
God’s blessings be upon you. Matthew 25:40 – “Just as you did it to one of the least of those who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
To purchase tickets, call (403-345-7788) or email ( us. Tickets are available from June 1 to Aug. 31.
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