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Dear Editor,
Yesterday (Oct. 31) I was at a presentation here in Calgary on the RenuWell project that has seen two pilots move ahead in the MD of Taber, installing solar power on a couple of orphan well sites primarily to supply power for irrigation. I was very impressed to hear of the range of benefits shown; providing renewable power at the times of highest demand, saving electricity costs and load on the electricity grid, accelerating the cleanup of unproductive and orphan wells, making use of brownfield sites, providing lease income for farmers, and tax benefits for the MD. That’s an amazing collection of benefits coming out of one type of project! I applaud the MD of Taber for showing leadership in shepherding these developments through to completion. I do not doubt that municipalities up and down the province are going to learn from and imitate this work done in your region.
Sincerely yours,
Roger Gagne, Calgary
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