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Ballot used to decide assignments in Coaldale

Posted on November 6, 2013 by Sunny South News

Following the recent election, the town of Coaldale welcomed back three of their incumbent councillors and three new ones, as well as Mayor Kim Craig last Monday when the new council met for the first time.

Councillors were met with the signing of the oath of office and moved on to deputy mayor and committee and board assignments before the night concluded.

Although there was only one assignment that came down to a secret ballot vote, it caused some friendly changes on the Green Acres Foundation Board. Formerly chaired by Coun. Bill Martens, for the past nine years, newcomer Jacen Abrey argued that a new face can sometimes mean positive progress for council.

“Sometimes being there for eight to nine years is good, but sometimes it can be a hindrance,” Abrey explained.

Several of the committee assignments require more than one councillor.

The Chief Administrative Officer Personnel Committee will be chaired by Mayor Craig, assisted by councillors Sherrie Duda and Jack Van Rijn and Roger Hohm will serve as the alternate.

Councillors Martens, Hohm and Bill Chapman will be representing the town for the Finance Committee. While the Municipal Planning Commission and Municipal Services Commission were assigned to councillors Van Rijn, Martens and Chapman.

Mayor Craig will be assisted on the Joint Intermunicipal Development Committee by councillors Van Rijn and Martens, they will also serve together on the Malloy Drain and South Regional Committee together.

The Joint Emergency Services Committee, which deals with the county and reviews the joint services agreement, will be made up of Mayor

Craig, Coun. Martens, Coun. Chapman and Coun. Hohm.

The town’s Operations Committee will also have three council representatives, Jacen Abrey and councillors Van Rijn and Hohm. Mayor Craig will also be a member of the Integrated Development Strategy Steering Committee, alongside Van Rijn and Martens.

Councillors Hohm and Chapman will be members of the Lethbridge Regional Water Services Commission, while the Public Safety Commission

will have councillors Abrey and Van Rijn.

The Development Appeal Board was assigned to councillors Duda and Abrey.

All councillors, and the mayor, will sit on the Emergency Management Board, except Abrey who can’t due to a conflict of interest as he serves with Coaldale and District Emergency Services.

Others, like the budget committee, require all councillors sit on the board, and some require only one councillor and one alternate in case the designated councillor cannot attend for any reason.

Mayor Craig will be the town representative for the Birds of Prey board and the Southern Alberta Energy Waste Association (SAEWA), which Coun. Chapman will be the alternate for.

Coun. Chapman will be the town representative for the FCSS board, Canadian Badlands Association. He will also be the alternate council

representative for the Coaldale Chamber of Commerce, which has been assigned to Coun. Van Rijn.

Both the Library and Chinook Arch boards will come under the assignment of Coun. Sherrie Duda, who will also be the chair of the Police Commission.

Coun. Hohm will represent the town on the Handi-Bus, Gem of the West Museum and the Southern Alberta Storm Water Management Committee.

SouthGrow Regional and Lethbridge Community Future Foundation will both be assigned to Coun. Van Rijn. While Coun. Martens will represent

the town for Oldman River Regional Services Commission and Coun. Abrey will serve on the Oldman Water Shed Council.

For more information on council assignments to committees and boards, please contact the town of Coaldale at 403-345-1300.

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