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Lethbridge Entertainment Expo welcomes Phoenix Scroll Saw Art

Posted on November 20, 2014 by Sunny South News

Matthew Odland knows pop culture — he lives it and breathes it, as he moves along faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a superhero.

Not only is Odland similar to the man of steel, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, he has assembled the latest and greatest team of volunteers and organizers fit for a king. The second annual Lethbridge Entertainment Expo is  being held at Exhibition Park this Saturday and Sunday. “I’m excited about this year’s Expo because the amount that we’ve grown — we’ve managed to double our space compared to last year, which makes it more of an interactive event for people to attend and just the calibre of guests is growing continuously. I think that’s the big thing — just bringing even more famous and popular people to the area and letting local people have access to them,” said Odland.

Odland noted the Lethbridge Entertainment Expo is excited about this year’s three main media guests including Garret Wang. “Garrett played Ensign Harry Kim in ‘Star Trek: Voyager’ for seven seasons,” noted Odland, adding the second guest signed was voice actor, Billy West.

“Billy West, you may not know the name, but you definitely know the voices he does,” said Odland, which includes both Ren and Stimpy, Disney’s Doug, the Honeynut Cheerios bee, Slimer from “The Real Ghostbusters” and Popeye. Odland said most fans know West from his voice work on “Futurama.” West provides voices for five of the major characters on the show including Fry.

“He’s also the go to guy for Warner Brothers, when it comes to doing Bugs Bunny. We’re really excited about having him.”

Odland said this year’s guest of honour and/or featured guest is Eseme Bianco, who played “Ros” on the HBO hit television series, “Game of Thrones.”

“I believe we are the only show in Alberta this year, if not Western Canada, that has anybody from ‘Game of Thrones,’ so we’re really excited about that one,” said Odland, adding creator guests include Calgary artist Steve Gervais and Canmore comic book company Renegade Arts Entertainment.

“We’re also still working on creator guests too. There might be some surprises that nobody will know of until the show,” added Odland.

Odland believes first time visitors to a pop culture entertainment expo should show up to the event with an open mind.

“It’s something different. If you like pop culture on any level then I guarantee there will be something there you will enjoy.”

This year, the Lethbridge Entertainment Expo is offering over $1,600 in Cosplay prize money, as well as scholarships through the University of Lethbridge.

Tickets are on sale in Lethbridge at Showcase Comics, Kapow Comics and Games, King of Trade, The Treasure Chest, Black Talon and are available to purchase online on the Lethbridge Entertainment Expo Facebook page or visit For show times visit online.

Coaldale artist Brock Hamilton will be in attendance with Phoenix Scroll Saw Art. Hamilton’s work is presently on display at the Coaldale Public Library until the end of the month.

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