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Local initiatives included in Dorothy Dalgliesh’s We Care

Posted on December 16, 2014 by Sunny South News

Dorothy Dalgliesh School in Picture Butte has teamed up with Kate Andrews High School (KAHS) in Coaldale once again this year for the We Create Change program. This marks the second year the school has participated in the charitable initiative.

“Last year, our Grade 6 class raised $1,300 dollars to help KAHS build a school in Africa. It was an amazing initiative that helped the students understand they are part of a wider, global community. The students were really excited to make a difference in others’ lives,” said Mitch Van Dyk, organizer of the initiative at Dorothy Dalgliesh School.

Van Dyk said students at the school are raising money again this year to make a difference in the world.

“Currently, we are selling Rafiki (Swahili word for ‘friend’) bracelets to fundraise money to donate to the We Create Change program,” he added.

Earlier this month, the group started selling raffle tickets for a Christmas Santa to help raise money and other fundraising events include bakes sales, basket raffles, dress-up days at school and hot dog days.

“Through our fundraising efforts, students really have the opportunity to realize how lucky they are to live where they do, and how fortunate they are to have all the opportunities that they are given. I believe when students learn to be ‘other-oriented’ — it gives them a greater sense of purpose, and allows them to have a greater sense of self because they realize not everything is about them. In fact, I find when students are other-oriented, they live more content, healthy, and balanced lives,” noted Van Dyk.

According to Van Dyk, the students in the group at the school are also currently working on local-based initiatives.

“We are collecting donations of socks and food for our local food bank, and the teachers in our school are decorating a Christmas tree with toques, scarves and mittens that will be donated to local families in need, as well. As a class, we have discussed doing some fundraising for diabetes research, as we have a student in our class with Type I diabetes,” he said.

Van Dyk explained all of the initiatives the class is involved in ties in with Grade 6 curriculum.

“Where students are required to learn how to contribute to a democracy and make a difference in their local and global communities. I can’t wait to see what the students continue to come up with,” said Van Dyk.

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