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Coaldale residents will have a chance to celebrate family literacy once again this year with the annual Family Literacy Day event being held at the Coaldale Public Library Jan. 23 to coincide with the national Family Literacy Day Jan. 27.
“We normally hold our event around then. We find we get better attendance on a Friday,” said Heather Nicholson, head librarian at the Coaldale Public Library.
The group that created Family Literacy Day, Nicholson explained, is ABC Life Literacy, a Canadian organization.
“Basically, the idea is promoting the idea of literacy-related activities in a family. Most people, when they think of literacy, obviously they think of reading but they really mean it in a broad way. It can be financial literacy, physical literacy — but just the idea of an active thing that you have to teach people how to do and that it can be done in a family easily by just incorporating it into their everyday life. Doing things like reading to your kids, getting them to help figure out the cost of things and getting them to help make a recipe, read a recipe and pick a recipe,” she added.
Coaldale’s literary event blasts off from 2-3 p.m. and will include a plethora of fun for the whole family.
“We host it every year and we normally partner with the County of Lethbridge Community Learning Council, as we are again this year. It’s a free event. We usually have, and will again this year, have some kind of puppet show with a story, some crafts, and some handouts about how to incorporate literacy into your life with your family. It’s a kid-friendly event,” said Nicholson, adding a sing-a-long and snacks will also be included.
Nicholson noted last year’s attendance was between 50-60 visitors.
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