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‘Butte council briefs

Posted on June 30, 2015 by Sunny South News

By Kathy Bly
For the Sunny South News

Marketing Photos
Picture Butte town council has agreed to a proposal to trade an ad in the town’s new marketing brochure in exchange for photographs of the community. Local businessman Tony Kok offered to trade photos required for the brochure in exchange for an ad in the publication.
Council approved a motion to spend $395 of its $1,500 brochure budget on the 1/8 of a page ad, in exchange for four photos from Kok.
Council supports SAEWA
Picture Butte council has signed on in support of the Southern Alberta Energy From Waste Association (SAEWA). Council agreed to sign the Memorandum of Understanding and Interim Agreement with SAEWA.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Larry Davidson noted there is no money involved with the agreement at this time.
Signing the agreement allows SAEWA to establish a partnership with municipalities interested in seeing a project develop to turn waste into energy, allowing municipalities to dispose of their waste without having to truck it to landfills.
“This might end up costing us money in the long run,” said Davidson.
Deputy Mayor Joe Watson said the closure of landfills has already been talked about at the provincial level and there is a move to get rid of dumping as a means of handling garbage.
“Europe is going this way and across the United States,” said Watson.
He said not only will it reduce the need for landfills but it also has the potential to create jobs with a waste to energy plant. “I think it’s important for us to stay in the loop.”
Luncheon catering
Davidson reported on the town’s Request for Proposals for catering of the annual Jamboree Days Parade appreciation luncheon.
The town sponsors the luncheon for those who take part in the parade. Council reviewed three proposals ranging from $8 to just over $16 per plate. After some clarifying discussion, council approved a motion to award the contract to the Catering Company at $10 per person.
Gazebo transfer
The Town of Picture Butte will take over ownership of the newly installed gazebo at the Picture Butte Lake Reservoir. The Walk on the Wild Side Society (WOWS) oversaw the fundraising, building and installation of the gazebo, which is on land leased by the town from the LNID.
Due to its location, the gazebo will come under the ownership of the town in order for it to be covered by the municipality’s insurance. The WOWS had also requested the town take on the insurance for the gazebo.
Davidson noted because the gazebo is situated on land owned by the LNID and leased to the town, the LNID would like to see it insured under the town. Davidson added there are currently two agreements in place between the town and the LNID, one covering the WOWS trail and one for the campground. He has spoken with the LNID, who would like to see both agreements combined and updated. Council agreed to have the agreements updated and combined.
Land rental request
Town council discussed a request to rent town-owned land in Lethbridge County, adjacent to the Prairie Tractor and Engine Society’s property. The land has been used by the society to raise a cash crop to help with fundraising for the society for a number of years. The town’s agreement with the society to rent the land for $1 a year expired in 2001 but the use of the land has continued.
Council reviewed a request from a county resident to rent the land but decided to maintain the relationship with the society and allow them to continue to plant a crop on the land as a fundraiser.
Council did direct administration to draw up a new lease agreement with the society.

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