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By J.W. Schnarr
For the Sunny South News
Police Ball
They might not be working together anymore, but they can still be friends.
During a regular meeting on Apr. 11, Coaldale town council addressed an invitation from the Lethbridge Regional Police Service (LRPS) Chief Robert Davis for their annual 2016 Lethbridge Police Ball.
Last year, the ball was attended by more than 400 people, including law enforcement, members of local government, business owners, and community partners.
The evening features a meal, presentations, and live entertainment. This year’s event will feature a live and silent auction with proceeds benefiting the Missing Children Society of Canada.
During discussion, Coun. Roger Hohm suggested it was important to have a presence at the ball because of the recent changeover to RCMP service and the ending of the professional relationship between Coaldale and LRPS.
Council also discussed whether there might be an opportunity to thank LRPS for their service, and whether it would be an appropriate event to do so. They also discussed whether it would be appropriate to attend the ball.
“The question is whether it’s appropriate or inappropriate,” said Mayor Kim Craig.
“We were invited, so I’d say (attendance) is appropriate.”
Following discussion, council passed a motion to send two council members and their spouses to the event at a cost of $75 per person. The Lethbridge Police Ball will take place June 4 at the Coast Hotel in Lethbridge.
Council Briefs
A number of items were accepted for information by council during their regular meeting on Apr. 11.
These items involved regional funding applications and included: The Town of Coaldale has been approved for a grant of $226,900 under the Intermunicipal Collaboration component in support of the Peace Officer Regionalization project through the Alberta Community Partnership program. Also included in the letter of notification from Danielle Larivee, minister of municipal affairs, were members of council or administration for the municipalities of Coalhurst, Picture Butte, and Barons.
Council was notified Lethbridge County has been approved for a grant of $75,000 under the Intermunicipal Collaboration component in support of the Potable Water Master Plan project through the Alberta Community Partnership program.
Notice to Lethbridge County Reeve Lorne Hickey was also sent to members of council or administration from the Municipal District of Taber by Danielle Larivee, minister of municipal affairs.
Council was notified Lethbridge County has been approved for a grant of $22,500 under the Intermunicipal Collaboration component in support of the Fire Data Management project through the Alberta Community Partnership program.
The notice, addressed to Lethbridge County Reeve Lorne Hickey, was also sent to members of council or administration for Coaldale, Lethbridge County, Shannon Phillips, MLA for Lethbridge West, Maria Fitzpatrick, MLA for Lethbridge East, and Lethbridge Mayor Chris Spearman.
Council was notified the City of Lethbridge has been approved for a grant of $350,000 under the Intermunicipal Collaboration component in support of the Water Reservoir Rehabilitation project through the Alberta Community Partnership program. The notice was sent to Lethbridge Mayor Chris Spearman, as well as members of council or administration for Coaldale, Lethbridge County, Shannon Phillips, MLA for Lethbridge West, and Maria Fitzpatrick, MLA for Lethbridge East.
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