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Children’s Garage Sale in Picture Butte

Posted on March 1, 2017 by Sunny South News

By Stan Ashbee
Sunny South News

Kids grow up so fast and their clothes, toys and other items become too small, no longer played with or discarded for something new and improved. Don’t miss the first-ever Picture Butte and Area Children’s Garage Sale this Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Elks Hall in Picture Butte.
“They do it in Lethbridge twice a year and we participated in it in the past. I just thought it would be kind of cool to bring one to Picture Butte, so people in Picture Butte had a chance to take part in it and they don’t have to take all their stuff to Lethbridge and keep it local,” said organizer Christy Godlonton.
“For us, it’s always been a big success getting rid of our stuff we no longer need and you make a little bit of money off of it, so you can either put it into new clothing or new toys for your children. You can even go there and find stuff for them, for their size then, kind of thing. It’s always been a pretty awesome thing,” she added. Feedback in regards to the localized event so far, Godlonton noted, has been great.
There are a total of 26 tables available for the event and last week there were 14 tables booked. “There’s still some available,” she said.
Clothing-wise at the garage sale, Godlonton explained, there will be items from new born to a 15-year-old child.
“When we send out all the information for people interested in booking a table, we just let them know they are able to do that and they can bring maternity stuff they do have, as well. Other than that, it’s pretty much open to whatever people want to sell. If people want to sell their children’s playhouses or anything like that or bikes — anything they want to get rid of, they have the option to do that,” she said.
Godlonton said the idea is to try out the first garage sale and hopefully it catches on and another one could be held in the future on a larger scale.
“If it’s something that goes over very well, then we’ll possibly look into getting into even the arena when the ice isn’t in and just make it bigger. The more options, the more people you are going to get in,” she said, adding people from Lethbridge will be even coming out to the event, to possibly sell and buy.
“It’s good for the community to bring people out. Hopefully, they will stop in and have a meal at one of our restaurants or whatever too. It’s good to bring people to Picture Butte,” she said.
Admission for the event is $2 per adult and children are free. Table rentals — one table for $20 or two for $35. Tables are limited. Call Christy at 403-635-8966 or e-mail

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