Current Temperature
Seeding Date: May 11 at 10 a.m.
Where: Go east of Coaldale on Highway 3 to the Tempest elevator, which is at Range Road 194. Turn right (south) on Range Road 194 for approximately four kilometres to 90063 Range Road 194. The field is on the left (east) side of the road.
Contact 403-382-7222 for more info or if you are having issues finding the Food Grains field or if you would like more details on the project before going to the site.
Please visit the Canadian Foodgrains Website for more information at
The Coaldale—Lethbridge Community Growing Project is one way to offer life and hope to those who go without daily food. The project’s goal is to seed and harvest a quarter section of barley and sell the crop to local livestock producers and grain brokers. The profits of the harvest are sent to the Canadian Food Grains Bank to be used in global needs.
This Thursday at 10 a.m. (weather permitting), volunteers will be seeding the crop of barley. Many farmers and local fertilizer, chemical, and seed companies have already donated time, money and energy to get to this point. Organizers ask for help to multiply that effort and donation by getting the message out to the public. Public donations help to offset some of the costs the local project incurs and as a result, the project is able to send to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank more of the final profit generated through this event.
According to Tony Kok from the Picture Butte Community Growing Project, organizers have acquired land again this year — 2.5 miles east of Picture Butte on Highway 519.
“The quarter is seeded and crop is coming up,” he said.
Kok noted the organizers of the project always look forward to the support for this project.
“Last year’s project we were able to send $115,000 to the Canadian Food Grains Bank,” Kok pointed out.
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