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By Nikki Jamieson
Sunny South News
The Town of Picture Butte is taking its first steps towards getting ready for the cannabis legalization.
During their regular June 25 meeting, Picture Butte Town council reviewed some proposed amendments to their land use bylaw in regards to the upcoming cannabis legalization date of Oct. 17.
Bylaw no. 871-18 is meant to update administrative procedures and standards section of the town’s current Land Use Bylaw No. 841-15, to bring it into line with the modernized Municipal Government Act (MGA) and adds regulations to the town’s land-use bylaw in order to manage cannabis production and retail sales within town limits.
“It incorporates the cannabis regulations, as well as the administrative regulations that are required by the new MGA,” said Keith Davis, CAO for the town.
“It incorporates the feedback council gave to Steve (Harty, ORRSC senior planner).”
According to supporting documents, the amendments to the bylaw revolve around:
– Adding rules and criteria relating to the receiving, processing and notification of development and subdivision applications to the bylaw, so it is in line with the MGA
– Amending and adding to ‘Part 2, Land Use Districts Regulations, ‘Industrial – I’ – land use district discretionary use column: Cannabis Production Facility.
– Adding a new section to ‘Part 4, Specific Use Standards’, for providing Criteria and Standards for Cannabis Production Facilities. Some of the criteria here include, but are limited to, being located at least 350 metres away from a parcel of land used for a school, daycare or similar activity; the facility must include equipment designed and intended to remove odours and particulates from the air where it is discharged from the building as part of a ventilation system; and the facility must be constructed so that all of the processes and functions are fully enclosed within a stand?alone building
– Adding a new section to Part 4, Specific Use Standards’, to cover standards for Retail Cannabis Store uses which may only be considered on a parcel of land designated to Direct Control by Town Council, and add the application requirements to redesignate to the Direct Control land use district.
– Add minimum requirements and standards applicable to Retail Cannabis Stores that will be considered by Town Council in making a decision on a development permit application for such uses.
– Add definitions to Part 6 for Cannabis, Medical Cannabis, Cannabis Production Facilities and Retail Cannabis Stores; with all proposed amendments as described in attached Schedule ‘A’.
Council performed first reading on the bylaw. A Public Hearing for the bylaw is scheduled for July 23, during their regular council meeting.
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