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By Nikki Jamieson
Sunny South News
During their regular Dec. 19 council meeting, Lethbridge County approved their 2020 interim Operating Budget.
The budget, based on 2019 figures, had been presented by administration to council on Nov. 26-28 and Dec. 10, during budget deliberations. Administration recommended that council approve an interim budget based on the 2019 approved budget figures before the new year.
According to the Municipal Government Act, a municipality must have an interim budget for the next year in place before the end of the calendar year.
An updated 2020-23 budget will be brought forward to council in January 2020 for approval. The budget will still be an interim budget, as the county needs to wait until the spring to receive their mill rates from the province, at which point the budget can be finalized.
Council unanimously approved a motion that the 2019 Approved Budget in the amount of $28,043,565 in operating expenditures be approved as the 2020 Interim Operating Budget until such time as a Final 2020 Operating Budget is approved.
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