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Lethbridge Military Museum unveils new; Temporary display and courtyard renovations

Posted on November 3, 2020 by Sunny South News
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The Lethbridge Military Museum held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the recently installed temporary display commemorating the 75th Anniversary Liberation of the Netherlands and refurbished courtyard on Oct. 6. The event will take place at the Vimy Ridge Armoury located at 337 Stubb Ross Road beside the Lethbridge airport.

Lethbridge Military Unit Senate Association President Honourary Lieutenant Colonel Rick Casson PC and the Commanding Officer of the 20th Independent Field Battery Major Robert Mein are pleased to have Honorary Consul of the Netherlands, Irene Bakker assist in the unveiling. In attendance will be several Dutch Canadians, Henry Hienen and Anne Nyenhuis who were present at the time of the liberation along with Brent Devos, the builder of the temporary display model (Battle of the Walcheren causeway).

“This event will let the citizens and schools of Southern Alberta know we are now open again for visits or appointments and encourage the public and their families to learn and share with us the rich military history of the area as we mark the 75th anniversary of the end of WW2 and the Liberation of the Netherlands” says Lethbridge Military Unit Senate Association President Honourary Lieutenant Colonel Rick Casson. “The event will be live streamed on Facebook @Lethbridgemilitary museum. We are also looking forward in promoting Remembrance again this year as the museum will be open to the public from 12-4 pm on November 11th after the downtown cenotaph service”. Guest are required to wear mask when visiting.

This courtyard renovation has allowed the museum to relocate artifacts centrally for direct public access at the entrance to the museum. One of the main features of the museum is “The Mural of Remembrance” This interactive display is very popular with guests and is now available on our website to experience and share. Media interviews and museum access will take place immediately after the ribbon cutting.

About Our Mission To promote and exhibit the military history of Lethbridge from 1899 to the present. In so doing the museum will present documents, artefacts, medals, photos, and stories which illustrate this history. Further, the museum will endeavour to promote the collection, preservation, and research of military artefacts which are of historical significance to Lethbridge.

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