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Lethbridge County Council are asking for your help to make the holidays a bit brighter for families in ourcommunity.
2020 has been a difficult year for many due to the ongoing COVID-19pandemic. Council recognizes that financial pressures can increase over the holidays, and is asking for donations to be made to the Coaldale and Picture Butte food banks to help stock the shelves beforeChristmas.
To help encourage donations, Councillors Tory Campbell and Steve Campbell have offered to shave their heads if the goal of $5,000 is reached by December15.
Councillor Tory Campbell came up with the idea to raise funds for the food banks after seeing a similar fundraiser done by former MLA Ian Donovan, who raised money for the Vulcan Food Bank thisfall.
“We are extremely fortunate as Councillors to have a platform, and in this instance, it is exciting to do something both fun and positive in our community,” says Councillor ToryCampbell. “2020 has been an extremely challenging year for many, so if sacrificing my hair means that someone can have a brighter holiday season, it’s a very small price topay. I hope that anyone who is able to donate will consider doing so, now more than ever, we are truly all in thistogether.
This is by no means an original idea, but I hope it’s one that can bring out the best inus. Our food banks play a critical role in our community, and nothing would make me happier than seeing them supplied with the financial resources they need this holidayseason.”
“More so this year than any other, we all need to support families in need,” says Councillor SteveCampbell. “There are families out there that have been greatly impacted by the effects of COVID-19, from job loss or less hours ofwork. Especially at Christmas time, these families don’t need the added stress of trying to put a meal on theirtable.
I wanted to participate in this fundraiser to try and give people an extra incentive to donate to the food banks within LethbridgeCounty. Putting my hair on the line if we can achieve this goal, is a small price to pay to support our families inneed. I encourage individuals and businesses to donate if theycan.”
Monetary donations can be made at the Lethbridge administration office (#100, 905 4 Avenue South) or at the Coaldale or Picture Butte foodbanks. For questions, please contact Lethbridge County at (403)328-5525.
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