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SouthGrow markets Canada’s premier food corridor to the world

Posted on March 16, 2022 by Sunny South News

By Erika Mathieu
Sunny South News

During the March 10 regular Lethbridge County council meeting, Peter Casurella, executive director of SouthGrow Regional Initiative presented a delegation on  some of the upcoming plans and opportunities in Canada’s premier food corridor and southern Alberta’s agriculture sector . One such initiative is a marketing campaign set to reach key players in the rapidly-expanding agri-food sector in the region.

Casurella said during the meeting, the funding had been approved and he was just waiting to sign the grant which would allow SouthGrow to, push out a project online to connect with key players in the agri-food sector through a digital marketing campaign.

“We’re marketing southern Alberta to the world,” explained Casurella.

After gathering partnership dollars together, SouthGrow, “built a really innovative marketing product that will be a global marketing push directly to agri-food executive via twitter and linked in and specifically going after the decision makers themselves.”

The grant, funded  by CanExport Community Investments will help SouthGrow to promote southern Alberta’s agricultural sector and keep the region at the forefront of discussion and consciousness of industry leaders on social media sites such LinkedIn and Twitter.  Casurella said, the funding amounts to $40, 000 just in marketing for a year-long campaign, the goal of which will be to, “raise the profile of the agri-food opportunities in southern Alberta and our unique advantages,”

Casurella said he is optimistic for the campaign which will appeal to industry leaders and decision makers and will continue to advertise the regions expanding agricultural opportunities which will, “hopefully bring benefits to all of our communities too.”

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