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From the Archives of Western Newspapers

Posted on March 6, 2025 by Sunny South News

By Samantha Johnson
For Southern Alberta Newspapers

March 7, 1883 – Prince Albert Times and
Saskatchewan Review

A private letter received by Mr. Betts in the last mail contains the gratifying intelligence that the government has not forgotten Prince Albert. A telegraph line will be erected between here and Clarke’s Crossing as soon as the wire arrives from Winnipeg by steamboat. Judging from the experience of former years, we may expect the material to reach here on the last boat in 1884.

Bismarck opposes the return of German emigrants after naturalization as American citizens because it exempts them from military service.

The curling match between the married and single men for the President’s medal concluded with the singles being victorious. The bachelors were elated over their victory and agreed on the spot to invite their opponents at Hotel de Dobbs on the following Tuesday evening. Owing to the mildness of the weather, the ice was somewhat sticky, yet also very keen at times.

March 6, 1906 – The News (Red Deer)

A movement is afoot among businesses in town not to accept Straits Settlements silver quarters and half dollars except at a discount of 50%, which is all the banks will allow for these coins. The scheme has been exposed in Calgary where people are buying up quantities of the coins in BC at half cost and coming to Alberta to sell them at full price.

William Smith was felling trees on Saturday when one rebounded and struck him in the side of the head, crushing his skull and ripping off an ear. He lingered for a few hours before dying without regaining consciousness.

Dumas and Flagan were in court before Magistrate Fulmer. Dumas claimed Flagan threatened him with a pitchfork. After a protracted hearing, the case was dismissed with costs against Flagan.

March 2, 1916 – The Lomond Press

Those longing for an early spring have been compelled to contend with another severe spell of winter. Snow has fallen to a considerable depth and those with sleighs have found themselves to be in real luck.

A petition is being circulated along this line asking for improved train and mail service. Getting mail but twice a week is absurd in towns where businesses of such extent is carried on. Passenger service is a joke, think of an up-to-date railway company asking passengers to sit from early morning until evening to cover a journey of 100 miles. It is little wonder people go to the extra expense to hire motor cars then take the train.

A new Delco lighting system has been installed in Baker’s poolroom and he is tickled over the success of the affair. Seeing as how the exhaust plays hob with the atmosphere in The Press office, we will refrain from saying what we think of it until some future time. 

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